![]() TM 10-3930-633-34
assembly. Torque the attaching bolts to
the crankshaft end play by following procedures
(12) Check the camshaft end play, camshaft
(23) Apply oil-resistant sealer in the cavities
between the bearing cap and cylinder block (fig.
gear backlash following the procedures in
paragraph 6-38. If the end play exceeds
cap and apply a bead of oil-resistant sealer to the
specifications, replace the thrust plate. If the gear
tapered ends of the seal.
backlash exceeds specifications, replace the
(24) Install new side gaskets on the oil pan
camshaft gear (and crankshaft gear as necessary).
with oil-resistant sealer (fig. 6-42). Position a new
(13) Check the camshaft gear runout with a
cylinder front cover seal on the oil pan and install
dial indicator (paragraph 6-38). If the gear runout
the oil pan.
is excessive, replace the gear.
(25) Coat both sides of a new water pump
(14) Check the piston to cylinder bore fit of
gasket with water-resistant sealer and position
each piston following the procedure in paragraph
the gasket on the cylinder block. Coat the threads
of the water pump bolts with water-resistant
(15) Check the end gap of all piston rings
sealer. Install the water pump. Torque the bolts
to specifications.
and connecting rods, following the procedure
(26) Assemble the valves, springs, rocker
under Pistons and Connecting Rods Assembly,
arms, coolant outlet elbow, etc., following the
Check the piston ring side clearance.
procedures in Section IV.
(16) Install the piston and connecting rod
(27) Place a new cylinder head gasket on the
assemblies and check the clearance of the con-
block. Carefully position the cylinder head on the
netting rod bearings. Refer to paragraph 6-33.
block and install the bolts. Torque the bolts in
(17 ) Coat a new crankshaft front oil seal with
sequence (TM 10-3930-633-12) to specifications.
grease and install it in the cylinder front cover
When cylinder head bolts have been tightened, it
is not necessary to retorque the bolts after ex-
(18) Coat the gasket surfaces of the cylinder
tended operation. However, the bolts may be
front cover and cylinder block with oil-resistant
checked and retorqued, if desired.
sealer. Position the gasket on the block and in-
stall the cover (fig. 6-36). Torque the bolts to
(28) Clean the exterior surface of the valve
lifters with a clean, lint-free cloth and oil the
surface with engine oil. Install the valve lifters
(19) Lubricate the damper end of the
crankshaft with a white lead and oil mixture.
Apply Lubriplate or equivalent to the seal surface
of the front oil seal. Apply Lubriplate or
(29) Apply Lubriplate or equivalent to both
ends of the pushrods and to the pushrod bores in
equivalent to the seal surface of the crankshaft
damper and install the crankshaft damper (fig. 6-
the cylinder head. Install the pushrods in the
same sequence that they were removed. Be sure
(20) Apply a light film of engine oil on a new
the pushrods are properly seated in the valve
crankshaft rear oil seal. Apply Lubriplate or
lifters. Engage the rocker arms with the pushrods
equivalent to the seal contact surface of the
and tighten the stud nuts sufficiently to hold the
crankshaft and install the seal (fig. 6-39) the
pushrods in place.
specified distance below the face' of the cylinder
(30) Adjust the valve clearance as described
block. Be sure the seal was not damaged during
in TM 10-3930-633-12.
(31) Coat the gasket surface of the pushrod
(21) Position the engine rear cover plate on
cover with oil-resistant sealer and position a new
the rear of the cylinder block and install the
gasket on the cover. Install the cover and gasket
fly wheel on the crankshaft. Apply oil-resistant
on the cylinder block. Torque the cover bolts in
sealer to the threads of the flywheel attaching
sequence to specifications.
bolts. Install the bolts and torque them to
(32) Install the carburetor, governor, spacer,
intake and exhaust manifold, following the
(22) Prime the oil pump by filling the inlet
procedure in TM 10.3930-633-12.
opening with oil and rotate the pump shaft until
(33) Clean the valve rocker arm cover. Place
oil emerges from the outlet opening. Use a new
the new gaskets in the covers making sure that
gasket and install the inlet tube and screen on the
the tabs of the gasket engage the notches
oil pump. Position a new gasket on the oil pump
provided in the cover. Install the cover on the
body and install the oil pump and inlet tube
cylinder head and torque the cover screws in
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