![]() TM 55-1740-200-14
4-417. CAB HEATER.
4-424. REPAIR. Refer to paragraph 4-129 for inspec-
4-418. REPAIR. Refer to paragraph 4-117 for inspec-
tion and repair the carburetor in accordance with the
tion and repair the cab heater in accordance with the
following procedures. (See figure 4-30.)
following procedures. (See figure 4-27.)
a. Replace all gaskets and rubber components.
a. Straighten minor dents in housing and front panel.
b. Clean all fuel jets and needles; replace if damaged.
b. Straighten bent fan blades.
c. Replace distorted or broken springs.
c. Repair leaks in core assembly.
d. Clean all fuel passages.
d. Replace darnaged or deteriorated hose.
e. Replace nonrepairable parts.
e. Repair frayed or broken wiring.
f. Reassemble in accordance with paragraph 4-552.
f. Replace nonrepairable parts.
4-425. GOVERNOR.
g. Reassemble in accordance with paragraph 4-543.
4-426. REPAIR. Refer to paragraph 4-133 for
inspection and repair the governor in accordance with the
following procedures. (See figure 4-31.)
4-420. REPAIR. Refer to paragraph 4-121 for inspec-
tion and repair the fuel system in accordance with the
a. Clean air filter element.
following procedures. (See figure 4-28.)
b. Remove nicks and burrs from piston rod and valve
a. Straighten bent tubing.
shaft with crocus cloth.
b. Straighten bent or restricted choke cable.
c. Replace broken or distorted spring assembly.
c. Repair leaks in fuel tank.
d. Clean all passages in body.
d. Replace nonrepairable parts.
e. Replace nonrepairable parts.
e. Install fuel system in accordance with paragraph
f. Reassemble in accordance with paragraph 455.
4-422. REPAIR. Refer to paragraph 4-125 for inspec-
4-428. RADIATOR.
tion and repair the fuel pump in accordance with the
following procedures. (See figure 4-29.)
4-29. REPAIR. Refer to paragraph 4-137 for inspec-
tion and repair the radiator in accordance with the
a. Clean restricted lines and hoses, replace if broken.
following procedures. (See figure 4-32.)
b. Replace weak or broken springs.
a. Replace broken or deteriorated hoses.
c. Replace diaphragm assembly if spring is weak.
b. Repair radiator leaks, straighten minor dents.
d. Clean filter and bowl, replace if cracked or broken.
c. Replace worn or deteriorated mounts.
e. Replace nonrepairable parts.
d. Replace nonrepairable parts.
f. Reassemble in accordance with paragraph 4549.
e. Install the radiator in accordance with paragraph
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