![]() TM 55-1740-200-14
d. Secure stud (4) in body (13) with nut (5) and two
c. Slide core assembly (8) in casing (20) and secure
washers (6). Attach shield (1) to stud (4) with wing nut
front assembly (4) with four screws (5).
(2) and washer (3). Assemble elbow tube hose and elbow
to pump assembly.
4-550. INSTALLATION. See figure 4-28.
a. Install heater in cab with three nuts (6) and washers
(7). Attach wire leads to switch (16).
a. Secure fuel pump (16) and tubing with two screws
(17) and washers (18).
b. Secure hose (2) with clamp (l). Install valve (21)
on engine. Install two hoses (23 and 24) on heater and
secure with four clamps (22).
b. Install elbow (15), hose (14), and adapter (13).
4-545 . FUEL SYSTEM.
4-546. REASSEMBLY. None required.
the carburetor as follows:
4-547. INSTALLATION. See figure 4-28 and install
the fuel system linkage, and components as follows:
a. Insert lever (53) in flange (54). Secure valve (51) to
lever (53) with two screws (52). Secure lever (48) on
a. Secure bracket (46) to cab fire wall with four
lever (53) with screw (49) and nut (50). Install screw
screws (47), washers (48) and nuts (49). Slide shaft (45)
(47), spring (46), adjusting screw (45), and plug (44).
into bracket (46). Assemble two spacers (44) and levers
(39) on shaft (45) and tighten two set screws (43). Install
b. Assemble two gaskets (42), insulator (43), and body
two screws (40), washers (41), and nuts (42) in levers
(40) to flange (54) with two screws (41). Install tube (39)
and plug (38). Install gasket (37) and needle assembly
(36). Install gasket (35) and metering jet (34). Install
b. Attach hinge plate (58) to cab floor with two
pump jet (33) and plug (32).
screws (59), washers- (60), arid nuts (61). Secure pedal
(55) to plate (58) with two cotter pins (56) and pin (57).
c. Install two balls (29 and 31) and plug (30). Assem-
ble spring (27) and retaining ring (28) in plunger (26).
c. Assemble two nuts (53) and ball joints (52) on rod
Assemble spring (25), retainer (23), and link (24) to
(54). Connect rod to pedal (55) and lever (39) with two
plunger (26) and insert plunger assembly in body (40).
nuts (50) and washers (51). Assemble two nuts (36) and
Connect link (24) to lever (53) with link (22) and clip
ball joints (35) on rod (37). Connect rod to lever (39)
and carburetor (21) with two nuts (33) and washers (34).
Install spring (38).
d. Install gaskets (17 and 20) on piston (16) and jet
(19). Insert jet (19), spring (18), piston (16), and tube
4-548 . FUEL PUMP.
and plug assembly (15) in body (40). Insert pin (13) in
float (14). Install float and ring (12) in body (40). Secure
gasket (11) and intake horn assembly (9) to body (40)
the fuel pump as follows:
with four screws and washers (10).
a. Assemble housing (24) and diaphragm (15) to hous-
e. Insert lever (8) in horn assembly (9). Secure valve
ing (16) with two screws and lock washers (17). Secure
(6) to lever (8) with two screws (7). Attach bracket (3)
diaphragm (15) and housing (16) to body (13) with five
with two screws (4). Install screw (l), and nut (2), and
screws and washers (14).
spring (5) in bracket (3).
b. Insert gasket (23) in housing (24). Insert spring (21)
and filter (22) in bowl (20). Secure bowl to housing (24)
4-553. INSTALLATION. See figure 4-28. Install carbu-
with retainer assembly (19).
retor (21) on adapter (29) and secure with two nuts (25)
and washers (24). Install gasket (20) and air cleaner (19)
c. Position spring (12) and lever (11) in body (13) and
on carburator (21).
secure with pin (10), plug (9), and clip (8). Install gasket
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