![]() b r e a k s , and worn lug recesses. Repair or replace as
dictated by the extent of damage.
(5) Inspect the clutch outer drum for cracks,
breaks, and worn splines. Repair or replace as
dictated by the extent of damage. Refer to
e. Assembly.
To prevent the f i r s t c l u t c h a s s e m b l y f r o m
dropping below the end of the splines on the outer
forcing screws (2) in the bolting flange of the outer
drum, until they touch the splines.
d. Inspection and Repair.
(1) Inspect the clutch disks for damage and
wear. The clutch disk stack height of 10 disk
assemblies and 9 disks (new) is 2.536 to 2.802
inches. The minimum clutch disk stack height of 10
d i s k assemblies and 9 disks (worn) is 2.356 inches.
R e p l a c e the disks and / or disk assemblies if worn
excessively. Replace disk assemblies which have:
(1) Place the outer drum (1, fig. 6-87) on
( a ) Chipping on the edge of the disk.
b l o c k s as a guide to assemble the disc assemblies
(b) Cracks at tbe root of any of the teeth.
and discs onto the inner drum (1, fig. 6-89).
(c) W o r n t e e t h o n l y w h e n w e a r h a s o b -
( 2 ) Install two 5 / 8 inch 11 (NC) guide pins
viously changed tooth contour.
(2, fig. 6-88) into the clutch spring retainer (6).
(d) Excessive foreign material imbedded in
( 3 ) Insert the bolt through the plate and place
the face. Replace warped disks.
the retainer on the plate and over the bolt. Place
( 2 ) Inspect the clutch inner and outer springs
this assembly into the outer drum on blocks about 2
for damage, distortion, and proper tension. The
inches lower than the outer drum.
outer clutch springs should exert 286 to 316
(4) Insert the clutch spring sleeves (5) into the
pounds of force when compressed to 3.90 inches.
s m a l l e r clutch springs (4), and then place the small
The inner clutch springs should exert 185 to 205
springs and sleeves into the large clutch springs (3).
pounds of force when compressed to 3.71 inches.
(5) Place the springs and sleeves over the
Replace damaged, distorted, or weak clutch
bosses on the retainer.
(3) Inspect the clutch spring retaining bolts,
s l e e v e s , and retainer for damage and wear. Replace
defective parts as required.
(4) Inspect the clutch inner drum for cracks,
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