![]() TM 10-3930-633-34
6-42. General
a. Oil from the oil pan sump is forced through
the pressure type lubrication system by the rotor-
type oil pump. A spring loaded relief valve in the
pump directs excess oil back to the intake side of
the pump.
b. A full-flow disposable filter element filters
the entire output of the pump before the oil enters
the engine. A by-pass valve permits flow around
the filter if it becomes clogged.
c. From the filter, oil flows into the main oil
gallery. From this gallery oil is supplied to the
camshaft and main bearings, to each hydraulic
lifter, to the crankshaft and connecting rods, and
the timing gears. A drilled passage in the block
supplies oil to the distributor shaft, and the valve
train is lubricated by oil from the lifter chamber
passing upward through the pushrods.
a. Removal.
(1) Drain the crankcase.
(2) Remove the oil pump attaching screws
(2) Remove the oil pan attaching screws and
and remove the pump from the cylinder block.
remove the oil pan,
b. Installation.
b. Installation.
(1) Prime the oil pump by filling the inlet
(1) Clean the gasket surfaces of the oil pump,
opening with oil and rotate the pump shaft until
oil pan and cylinder block. Remove the rear main
oil emerges from the outlet opening.
bearing cap to oil pan seal and cylinder front
(2) Coat a new oil pump gasket with oil-
cover to oil pan seal. Clean the seal grooves.
resistant sealer and position it on the oil pump.
(2) Apply oil-resistant sealer in the cavities
(3) Install the oil pump on the cylinder block.
between the bearing cap and cylinder block (fig.
Torque the attaching bolts to specifications.
6-45. Oil Pump Repair
cap and apply a bead of oil-resistant sealer to the
tapered ends of the seal.
a. Disassembly.
(3) Install new side gaskets on the oil pan
(1) Remove the cover attaching screws and
with oil resistant sealer (fig. 6-42). Position a new
remove the cover (fig. 6-58).
oil pan to cylinder front cover seal on the oil pan.
(4) Clean the inlet tube and screen assembly
and place it in the oil pan, if previously removed.
(5) Position the oil pan under the engine.
Install the inlet tube and screen assembly on the
oil pump with a new gasket. Torque the screws to
specifications. Position the oil pan against the
cylinder block and install the attaching bolts.
Torque the bolts in sequence to specifications. See
a. Removal.
(1) Remove the oil pan as described in
shown in figure 6-57.
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