![]() TM 9-2320-312-24-2
Troubleshooting Section
Reason Code
Device" is selected.
1. Verify that the correct reason code from the
3. Verify that the correct "Port" is selected for use
Factory Password Screen was entered. Do
by the communication adapter.
not assume the reason code. This must be
obtained from ET. Reason codes are assigned
Note: The most commonly used port is "COM 1".
for specific purposes and reason codes are not
4. Check for any hardware that is utilizing the same
port as the communications adapter. If any
2. Turn the ignition key switch to the OFF position
devices are configured to use the same port, exit
and retry.
or close the software programs for that device.
Note: Ensure that the information that is entered is
an exact match to the information that is displayed
Electrical Connectors
on the ET screen.
Check for correct installation of the J1/P1 and J2/P2
ECM connectors and the service tool connector.
Refer to Troubleshooting, "Electrical Connectors
Electronic Service Tool Will
- Inspect".
Not Communicate with ECM
Communication Adapter and/or Cables
SMCS Code: 7569
1. If you are using a Communication Adapter II,
ensure that the firmware and driver files for the
Probable Causes
communication adapter are the most current files
that are available. If the firmware and driver files
Configuration for the communications adapter
do not match, the communication adapter will
not communicate with Cat ET.
Electrical connectors
2. Disconnect the communication adapter and
Communication adapter and/or cables
the cables from the service tool connector.
Reconnect the communication adapter to the
Electrical power supply to the service tool
service tool connector.
3. Verify that the correct cable is being used
Cat ET and related hardware
between the communication adapter and the
service tool connector. Refer to Troubleshooting,
Electrical power supply to the ECM
"Electronic Service Tools".
Override switches
Electrical Power Supply to the Service
Tool Connector
Personality module (flash file)
Verify that battery voltage is present between
ATA Data Link
terminals A and B of the service tool connector. If
the communication adapter is not receiving power,
Recommended Actions
the display on the communication adapter will be
Start the engine. If the engine starts, but the ECM
will not communicate with the Caterpillar Electronic
Cat ET and Related Hardware
Technician (Cat ET), continue with this procedure.
If the engine will not start, refer to Troubleshooting,
In order to eliminate Cat ET and the related
"Engine Cranks but Will Not Start". If the engine will
hardware as the problem, connect Cat ET to a
not crank, refer to Troubleshooting, "Engine Will
different engine. If the same problem occurs on
Not Crank".
a different engine, check Cat ET and the related
hardware in order to determine the cause of the
Configuration for the Communications
1. Access "Preferences" under the "Utilities" menu
on Cat ET.
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