![]() TM 9-2320-312-24-2
Troubleshooting Section
Note: Programming the "Quick Stop Rate" too low
Table 124
will cause an excessive number of Quick Stop Event
Codes. A vehicle without a load or a trailer will be
able to stop much more quickly than a vehicle with
a heavy load. If too many Quick Stop Event Codes
are being logged, the "Quick Stop Rate" should be
increased. This will improve the detection of the
exceptions when the exceptions occur.
Timer Parameters
SMCS Code: 1901
Truck Manufacture Parameters
"Idle Shutdown Time"
SMCS Code: 1901
The "Idle Shutdown Time" is the time (minutes)
of engine idle before shutting down. The engine
"Truck Manufacturer"
will only shut down if the ECM senses low engine
load and no vehicle speed. The "Idle Shutdown
Time" will not begin counting if the engine is in Cold
OCT01 and newer Personality Modules.
Mode. If this parameter is programmed to zero, this
feature is disabled and the engine will idle until the
This parameter is used to configure the correct set
keyswitch for the ignition is in the OFF position.
of options and/or ranges for the default parameter
for the application. The 3126B truck engine with
Note: This feature does not shut down the vehicle's
serial number prefix 7AS is equipped with a Basic
power. The ECM and the vehicle remain powered.
ECM or the 3126B truck engine is equipped with a
Full Feature ECM. The Personality Module software
Table 125
will depend on the vehicle application. The option
for the "Truck Manufacturer" parameter is set at the
factory to provide the same functionality with one
3 minutes
1440 minutes
0 minutes
ECM and one set of Personality Module software.
If an ECM replacement is required, the "Truck
Manufacturer" parameter must be programmed
"Allow Idle Shutdown Override"
before programming other customer parameters in
order to configure the proper set of defaults/ranges.
This parameter determines if the clutch or the
When a Basic ECM is replaced in a General
service brake can be used to override the idle
Motors chassis, program the "Truck Manufacturer"
shutdown timer during the driver alert. The driver
parameter to the GM option. When a Full Feature
alert is the last 90 seconds when the check engine
ECM is replaced on a engine in any other chassis,
lamp begins flashing. This parameter requires the
program the "Truck Manufacturer" parameters to
"Idle Shutdown Time" to be programmed to a 3
or more minutes for the parameter to be enabled.
When the "Idle Shutdown Time" is programmed to
Table 123
0, the parameter is turned off.
Table 126
"Not Programmed"
"GM", "Other"
"Truck Model Type"
"A/C Switch Fan-On Time"
OCT01 and newer Personality Modules.
This parameter is used to configure the correct set
of options and/or ranges for the default parameter
for the application. The option for the "Truck
Model Type" parameter is set at the factory. If an
ECM replacement is required, the "Truck Model
Type" parameter must be programmed before
programming other customer parameters in order to
configure the proper set of defaults/ranges. When
the software is flashed into the Personality Module,
this parameter will default to "GM 530/540".
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