![]() 63
TM 9-2320-312-24-2
Troubleshooting Section
"Theft Deterrent Password"
Table 117
Manufacturer / Model
The "Theft Deterrent Password" is the password
that is required by the ECM before the feature of
GM 530/540
theft deterrent is enabled. After the theft deterrent
is enabled, the "Theft Deterrent Password" is the
password that is required to restart the engine. All of
the characters must be uppercase. Four characters
are available for the password. If the password
"Dash - Customer Parameters"
is lost, a service tool and a factory password are
required in order to start the engine.
Four parameters can be accessed when this
parameter is programmed to "YES". The Cat ID is
Table 120
used to change the "Dash - Customer" parameters.
The following four parameters can be accessed:
Four Characters
"SoftCruise Control"
A through Z
0 through 9
"Fast Idle RPM #1"
"Quick Stop Rate"
"Fast Idle RPM #2"
This parameter determines the rate of vehicle
"Low Idle Engine RPM"
speed change that is used by the ECM to record a
Quick Stop Event Code and a quick stop snapshot.
Each parameter that is listed has a "YES/NO" option
Programming this parameter to 0 will disable this
with "NO" as the default. The Cat ID must have the
feature and no quick stop events will be logged.
EEPROM chip that is capable of communicating
Each quick stop snapshot contains 60 frames of
with the 3126B HEUI engine software. Version 1.3
information. Frame 45 is the quick stop event. The
and later versions meet this requirement.
quick stop snapshot also contains 44 frames before
the quick stop event and 15 frames after the quick
Table 118
stop event. Each frame is separated by 1.0 second.
Table 121
ECM Snapshot Frame Data
"Theft Deterrent System Control"
"Engine rpm"
"Vehicle Speed"
"Throttle Position"
"Cruise Status"
"Clutch Switch"
"Brake Switch"
When this parameter is used with a "Theft Deterrent
Password", this parameter prevents the engine from
starting unless the password has been entered via
The most recent quick stop snapshot is stored in
the dash display of the CAT ID. Before the operator
the ECM memory. When a quick stop event occurs
can use the feature of theft deterrent of the CAT
the ECM replaces the old quick stop snapshot with
ID, the system must be turned on. In order to turn
the new quick stop snapshot. The ECM also logs a
on the theft deterrent, a service tool must be used
diagnostic event code for each quick stop event.
to program the parameter for the theft deterrent to
The ECM stores a maximum of 255 occurrences.
YES. The operator must first enter the password
before the engine is shut off. This will enable the
Table 122
system. Enabling the system prevents the engine
from starting without re-entering the password
on the next attempted start. If this parameter is
0 kilometers per hour
programmed to the "Auto-Enable" option, the
per second ( 0 miles per
0 kilometers per hour
system will automatically be armed when the
hour per second) to 205
second (0 miles per
kilometers per hour per
keyswitch is turned off.
hour per second)
second (128 miles per
hour per second)
Note: The "Auto-Enable" feature requires a JUL99
or more recent Personality Module with a Cat ID
(version number 2.1 or higher).
Table 119
"YES", "Auto-Enable"
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