![]() TM 9-2320-303-24-1
Table 1. Ether Quick-Start Circuit Troubleshooting Procedures.
Ether Quick-start Not Operating, Container 1. Check ether 15A fuse.
If defective, replace 15A fuse (WP
Has Ether In It.
2. Remove ether 15A fuse. Check If +12 VDC is present, go to step
for +12 VDC at fuse connector 3. If no voltage is present, repair
from ignition run power bus. circuit 18.
3. Disconnect lead 166 from ether If +12 VDC is present, go to step
switch. Check for +12 VDC at 4. If no voltage is present, repair
lead 166.
lead 166.
4. Disconnect lead 166 and lead
If continuity is present, go to step
166A from ether switch. Check
5. If no continuity is indicated,
for continuity between contacts
replace ether switch (WP 0066
of switch with switch activated.
5. Disconnect lead 166A at cab/ If +12 VDC is present, go to step
chassis connection. Check for 6. If no voltage is present, repair
+12 VDC at lead 166A.
lead 166A.
6. Disconnect lead 166A from If +12 VDC is present, go to step
ether solenoid. Check for +12 7. If no voltage is present, repair
VDC at lead 166A.
lead 166A.
7. Disconnect ground lead from
If continuity is indicated, replace
ether solenoid. Check for
ether solenoid (WP 0039 00). If no
continuity between ground lead
continuity is indicated, repair
and ground.
ground lead.
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