![]() TM 55-1740-200-14
c. Assemble hydraulic transmission (41) to engine
transmission as follows:
(37). Attach lifting cable to engine lifting brackets. Lift
hydraulic transmission and engine assembly in place and
a. Attach adapter plate (44) to engine with screw (48)
secure with four screws (55) and washers (56). Install two
screws (l), washers (2), insulators (3), seats (4), insulators
and washer (49). Attach drive plate a-rid flange with eight
screws (13), washers (14), and nuts (15).
(5), and nuts (6). Install two screws (7), washers (8),
wedge washers (9), and nuts (10).
4-578. ENGINE.
Provide proper support for transmission when
installing. Hydraulic transmission is not secure-
ly attached. Do not tilt forward when install-
assemble the engine as follows:
a. Install oil tube (53) and pin (52). Secure gasket
b. Install hydraulic transmission and thrust washer on
(51) and plate (48) to engine block with five screws (49)
shaft so converter shaft notches engage lugs on pump
and washers (50). Secure plate (45) with two screws (46)
rotor. Slide unit forward and aline housing with plate
and washers (47). Insert key (44) in camshaft (65) and
(44) using guide pins.
key (42) in crankshaft (64). Install hub (43) and sprocket
(41). Place timing chain (35) on sprockets (37 and 41)
and secure sprocket (37) to hub (43) with three screws
(38) and washers (39).
Do not force unit. Hydraulic transmission may
b. Insert seal (33) and seal gasket (34) in cover (35).
become disengaged from pump rotor. If
Secure gasket (36) and cover (35) to engine with eight
assembled with unit not engaged, serious
screws (29), three screws (28), washers (30), one gasket
damage will result.
(31), and three nuts (32). Insert key (27) in crankshaft
(64). Install hub (26) and attach pulley (23) to hub (36)
c. Secure housing with three screws and washers (45),
with six bolts (24) and washers (25). Install washer (22)
four screws (48) and four washers (49).
and crankshaft screw (21).
d. Rotate plate to aline hydraulic transmission bosses
c. Install the manifold assembly (85).
with holes in flange. Install four screws, rotating plate
each time to aline flange hole with adapter plate opening.
d. Attach gasket (62) and tube (59) to engine block
Attach plate (42) with four screws and washers (43).
with screw (60) and washer (61). Secure generator
bracket (18) with two screws (19) and washers (20).
e. Secure thrust washer (43) and gear to mechanical
Insert two tubes (16 and 17) in engine block. Install
transmission input shaft with retaining ring.
breather cap (15) on tube (16).
f. Attach hydraulic transmission to mechanical trans-
e. Assemble gasket (14) and head (11) on engine block
mission with four screws (55) and lockwashers (56).
(66) and secure with four screws (12) and fifteen bolts
(13). Install four studs (3) in head (11). Install screw (9)
and nut (10) in screw (12). Install plug (8), washer (7),
and screw (6). Secure two lifting brackets (2) with four
nuts (5) and washers (4).
4-585. REASSEMBLY. None required.
f. Install the engine cooling group (1) as outlined in
the mechanical transmission as follows:
4-580. INSTALLATION. Refer to figure 4-37 and
install the engine as outlined in paragraph 4-577.
Install hydraulic transmission thrust washer,
gear and retaining ring on shaft before installa-
4-582. REASSEMBLY. None required.
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