![]() TM 55-1740-200-14
springs (10) and two brushes (9) in housing (12) and
4-520. INSTALLATION. See figure 4-16 and install
install housing.
the starter as outlined in paragraph 4-51lk.
d. Install washer (17) and screw (16) on capacitor
4-521. WINDSHIELD WIPER (Code C1).
(13). Install gasket (18) and capacitor (13) and secure
with two screws (14) and washers (15). Install gasket
(22). Insert lead and tighten screw (16) and washer (17).
the windshield wiper as follows:
Secure cover (19) on housing with two screws (20) and
screw (21).
a. Install shaft (44) and bracket (45) and pin (41).
Secure pin (41) with washer (43) and nut (42). Assemble
e. Install armature (8). Insert spring disk (7) and
arm (30) and connecting link (31) on pin (41). Install
thrust disk (6) in cap (3). Install cap assembly on motor
washers (29) and two spring clips (28).
and secure with two screws (4) and washers (5).
b. Assemble parts to bracket (45) with two screws
f. Attach bracket assembly on motor assembly with
(32) and washers (33). Install felt washer (40), washer
three screws (1) and washers (2).
(39), nut (38), boot (37), driver (36), washer (35) and
nut (34).
4-526. INSTALLATION. See figure 4-16 and install
the windshield wiper as outlined in paragraph 4-51lg.
c. Insert washer (26) and gear (25) in housing (27).
Install washer (24) and nut (23). Secure radio suppression
plate (22), gasket (21) and cover (19) to housing (27)
with four screws (20).
the taillight as follows:
d. Assemble brush (11) in housing (12). Install gasket
(18) and capacitor (13). Insert motor lug and tighten
a. Insert lead (7) in body (8). Assemble gasket (6),
screw (16) and washer (17). Secure capacitor (13) with
white lens (5) and clip (4) in body (8).
two screws (14) and washers (15).
b. Insert lamp (3) in body (8). Install red lens (1) with
e. Install cap (7), two springs (6) and brush (5). Install
two screws (2).
cap assembly on motor and secure with two screws (3)
and washers (4).
4-529. INSTALLATION. See figure 4-16 and install
the taillight as outlined in paragraph 4-511f.
f. Install bracket assembly on motor assembly and
secure with three screws (1) and washers (2).
4-523. INSTALLATION. See figure 4-16 and install
the windshield wiper as outlined in paragraph 4-51lg.
the floodlight as follows:
4-524. WINDSHIELD WIPER (Codes C2 and D).
a. Install wire (9) in housing (10). Install bracket (6)
on housing (10) with washer (8) and nut (7).
the windshield wiper as follows:
b. Attach ground bar (4) to lamp (5) with screw.
Assemble lamp (5) on door (1) with three clips (3).
a. Install shaft (47) and pin (44). Secure pin (44) with
washer (46) and nut (45). Assemble arm (33) and con-
c. Install wire (9) and screw on assembled lamp.
necting link (34) on pin (44). Install washers (32) and
Secure assembled lamp to housing (10) with screw (2).
two spring clips (31).
4-532. INSTALLATION. See figure 4-16 and install
b. Secure parts to bracket (48) with two screws (35)
the floodlight as outlined in paragraph 4-51le.
and washers (36). Install felt washer (43), washer (42),
nut (41), boot (40), driver (39), washer (38) and nut
c. Install washer (29), shaft (28), gear (27), nut (26)
the headlight as follows:
and plate (23) in housing (30). Insert plate (11), two
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