![]() TM 55-1740-200-14
1. Install distributor (13) on engine block and secure
b. Assemble washers (38), two washers (34 and 37),
four washers (33 and 36) and four nuts (32 and 35).
with screw (14). Place six spark plug gaskets (9) on six
spark plugs (8) and install spark plugs in engine head.
Install one screw (29) and washer (30).
Install six spark plug wires (5, 6 and 7).
c. Assemble retainer (16) and retaining ring (17) on
m. Install generator (1) on generator bracket and
armature shaft and install armature (18).
secure with two screws (2), washers (3), and nuts (4).
d. Install retainer (13), bearing (12), gasket (11), re-
n. Install and connect to wiring harnesses (33). Install
tainer (10) and two washers (9) in end bell (15) and
and connect seven wiring harnesses (26, 27, 28, 29, 30,
secure with three screws (7) and washers (8). Insert oil
31 and 32). Secure wiring harnesses with eight clips (25).
cup (14) in end bell (15).
e. Install bushing (27) in end bell (28). Install oiler
(24), wick (25) and wick spring (26) in end bell (28).
Assemble two springs (23), two arms (22) and two
brushes (19) on end bell (28) and attach brush leads with
the distributor as follows:
two screws (20) and washers (21).
a. Install two sleeve bearings (47) in base (48). Install
f. Assemble front and rear end bell assemblies and
wick (46) and oiler (45). Place thrust washer (35) on
secure with two bolts (5) and washers (6). Insert key (4)
drive shaft (32). Install shaft (32) in base (48) and secure
in armature shaft and install pulley (1). Secure pulley
with collar (31 ) and pin (30).
with nut (2) and washer (3).
b. Install washer (44) in base (48). Install terminal
4-517. INSTALLATION. See figure 416 and install
(42), washer (40) and plate (43) with screw (41). Secure
the generator as outlined in paragraph 4511m.
with washers (37, 38 and 39) and nuts (35). Install
advance arm (26) and secure with screw (27) and two
washers (28 and 29).
4-518. STARTER.
c. Install two weights (24) and attach two springs (23)
to the shaft plate and weights (24). Install spacer (22)
and cam (21) and secure with retaining ring (20). Install
the starter as follows:
wick (19).
d. Install contact set (11) and secure with two screws
a. Install four coils (37) and four pole shoes (35) in
frame (38) and secure with four screws (36). Attach
(12), washer (13), screw (8), washer (9) and lock plate
brush set (33) with screw (34).
(10). Install capacitor (14) and secure with two screws
(15 and 16) and washer (17). Install assembled plate (18)
and secure with two screws (6) and washers (7).
b. Assemble spring (29), washer (28) and retaining ring
(27) on pinion (30). Install bushing (31), assemble pinion
and clutch, retaining ring (25) and step washer (24) on
e. Install plate (5) and rotor (4). Assemble cap (3),
armature (32).
spring (2) and plunger (1). Install assembled cap and
secure with two clips.
c. Assemble bushing (20) fork (22) and pin (21) on
pinion housing (23) and install housing on frame (38).
4-514. INSTALLATION. See figure 4-16 and install
the distributor as outlined in paragraph 4-511l.
d. Install boot (19), spring (17), core (18) and grom-
met (16) on solenoid (11). Install solenoid and secure
with three screws (14 and 12) and three washers (15 and
13). Install one nut (9) and washer (10).
the generator as follows:
e. Assemble four brushes and springs (7) on brush
holder (8). Install holder and two thrust washers (6).
a. Install pins (31) and insulators (39) in frame (46).
Assemble felt pad (4) and bushing (5) on end bell (1).
Assemble studs (41 and 42) to coils (44 and 45). Install
Install end bell and secure with two bolts (2) and washers
coils and two pole shoes (43) in frame (46) and secure
with two screws (40).
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