![]() TM 55-1740-200-14
Figure 4-48. Wheel assembly
4-369. All parts which are removed in the process of
4-363. CLEANING.
disassembly shall be replaced with all like parts furnished
in the kit. If an installed part is not defective, however, it
4-364. All items removed during disassembly which are
need not be removed solely for the purpose of replace-
to be reused shall be cleaned using approved cleaning
ment by a corresponding kitted part.
solvents and procedures. (Refer to Chapter 3, Section IV.)
4-370. .4 majority of the repair functions for the towing
tractor are limited to replacing worm or otherwise defec-
4-366. GENERAL.
tive parts as disclosed by inspection of the items.
4-367. The following paragraphs contain all necessary
instructions for repair of the components and assemblies
of the towing tractor covered by this manual.
4-372. REPAIR. Refer to paragraph 4-19 for inspec-
tion and repair the upper cab in accordance with the
4-368. Many repair parts for the tractor are provided in
following procedures. (See figure 4-3.)
the form of kits. An assembly or component having
kitted repair parts will be noted in the repair paragraph
a. Remove dents and rust from shell, repaint chipped
for the assembly. Presence of a new part in the applicable
and rusted areas.
kit eliminates the necessity of repairing or reusing the
equivalent part removed from the assembly being over-
b. Replace cracked or fogged mirrors.
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