![]() TM 55-1740-200-14
56. Cam
1. Cover
29. Nut
57. Spring
2. Plug
30. Washer
31. Washer
58. Bolt
3. Pin
59. Nut
4. Pin
32. Washer
5. Pin
33. Washer
60. Plate
6. Yoke
34. Spring
61. Screw
7. Bushing
35. Lining
62. Screw
8. Bushing
36. Rivet
63. Washer
37. Brake shoe
64. Nut
9. Ring
38. Pin
65. Bushing
10. Plate
66. Arm
39. Nut
11. Screw
67. Boot
40. Washer
12. Plate
68. Screw
41. Push rod
13. Packing
69. Washer
42. Screw
14. Shim set
43. Washer
70. Clamp
15. Cone and rollers
44. Boot
16. Cup
71. Retainer
45. Piston
72. Packing
17. Ring
73. Setscrew
46. Cup
18. Brake drum
74. Washer
47. Spring
19. Screw
75. Nut
48. Bleeder valve
20. Pin
76. Spindle
49. Cylinder
21. Stud
77. Wedge
50. Screw
22. Hub
78. Cap
51. Washer
23. Shield
52. Bracket
79. Cone and rollers
24. Screw
53. Pin
80. Cup
25. Screw
81. Fitting
54. Collar
26. Washer
82. Stub
55. Pin
27. Washer
28. Nut
Figure 4-47. Hub assembly (Sheet 2 of 2)
screws (128), washers (129), and nuts (130) and remove
i. Remove screw (92), washer (93), and nut (94) and
mounting bracket (127). Remove four screws (132),
remove bracket assembly (98). Remove two screws (95),
wedge washers (134), washers (135), and nuts (136) and
washers (96) and nuts (97) from bracket (98). Remove
remove cab support (131).
five screws (100 and 101), two washers (93), five washers
(103) and nuts (104) and remove steering gear bracket
m. Remove four screws (138), washers (139), and nuts
(140) and remove mounting bracket (137) and support
bracket (141). Remove four screws (143 and 144),
j. Remove eight screws (108), washers (109), and nuts
washers (145), and nuts (146) and remove mounting
(110) and remove two step supports (105) and two
brackets (142, 147, and 148). Remove eight screws (150),
supports (106 and 107). Remove five screws (112 and
washers (151), and nuts (152) and remove four shock
113), two wedge washers (114), five washers (115), and
absorber brackets (149). Remove two grommets (153)
nuts (116) and remove steering bracket (111).
from frame.
k. Remove two nuts (117), washers (118), one U bolt
(119) and clamp (120).
n. Remove four screws (159), washers (160), and nuts
(161) and remove bracket (158). Remove eight screws
1. Remove pipe plug (122) from spark arrestor (123).
(155), washers (156), and nuts (157) and remove frame
Remove two nuts (126), washers (125) and loop clamp
plate (154) from rails (163).
(124) and remove spark arrestor (123). Remove two
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