![]() TM 55-1740-200-14
b. Remove cup (4) from piston (5). Remove cup (6)
and spring (7) from cylinder (10).
the brake system tubing and components as follows:
4 - 3 4 6 . REMOVAL. Remove the vacuum booster
a. Remove nut (2) and washer (3) and remove pad
assembly as outlined in paragraph 4-340c.
Remove spring (8). Remove two cotter pins (5) and
pins (6 and 7) and remove lever (4). Remove
4-347. DISASSEMBLY. Refer to figure 4-44 and dis-
assembly and remove clevis (13) and nut (14) from
assemble the vacuum booster assembly as follows:
(15). Remove rod (16).
a. Remove two clamps (30) and remove hose (31) and
b. Remove brakeline (17) and remove bolt (19),
tube assembly (32). Remove plug (33). Remove retaining
washer (20), connector (21) and gasket (22) from
ring (26) and remove cover (27), washer (25) and spring
cylinder (23). Remove plug (18) and gasket (20). Remove
(29). Remove five screws (35) and washers (36). Remove
three screws (24) washers (25) and nuts (26) and remove
body and poppets (34), spring (37), diaphragm (38),
cylinder (23). Remove four screws (10), washers (11) and
gasket (39) and fitting (42). Remove two cups (44),
nuts (12) and remove bracket (9) and bracket (28) and
piston (45), packing (43), retaining ring (40) and washer
(41) from fitting (42).
c. Remove six clamps (29) and remove three hoses
(30, 32 and 61) and check valve (31). Remove two
b. Remove two bleeder valves (1) and remove plug (2)
clamps (63) and remove hose (64). Remove two tubes (17
and gasket (7). Remove retaining ring (6), washer (5),
and 43). Remove three nuts (74) and washers (75) and
spring (4) and check valve (3) from cap (2). Remove tube
remove vacuum booster (73).
(8) and remove packing (10), washers (11), and nut (9)
from tube (8).
d. Remove bolt (67), gasket (68), fitting (69) and
gasket (70) from booster (73). Remove elbow (62),
c. Remove retaining ring (12) and remove retainer
bushing (71 ) and gasket (72) from booster (73). Remove
(13), spring (14), ball (15), cup (16) and piston (17).
nut (66) and air cleaner (65).
Remove pin (19) and retaining ring (18) and remove
washer (20), spring (21), sleeve (22), retainer (23), cup
e. Remove two screws (36), washers (37) and nuts
(24), and washer (25).
(38) and remove two clamps (35). Remove six loop
clamps (39). Remove six tubes (40, 41, 42, 44, 45 and
d. Remove four nuts (48), washers (47) and bolts (46)
and remove plate (50), spring (52) and piston assembly.
60). Remove four hose assemblies (52) and remove four
Remove seal (49) and ring (51 ) from plate (50).
nuts (50) and washers (51).
e. Remove nut (53) and remove plate (56), retaining
f. Remove tube (33) and elbow (34). Remove two
ring (54), wick (55), plate (57), packing (58), seal (59),
gaskets (53), adapters (54) and gaskets (55). Remove two
plate (60) and washer (61) from rod (62). Remove plug
bolts (56), gaskets (57), fittings (58) and gaskets (59).
(63) from shell (64).
Remove two screws (47), washers (48) and nuts (49) and
remove two tees (46).
4-341. DISASSEMBLY. None required.
4-349. REMOVAL. Remove the axle differential as
outlined in paragraph 4352.
4-350. DISASSEMBLY. See figure 4-45 and dis-
4-343. REMOVAL. Remove the master cylinder as
assemble the axle differential as follows:
outlined in paragraph 4340b.
4-344. DISASSEMBLY. Refer to figure 4-43 and dis-
a. Remove cotter pin (1) and nut (2) and remove
assemble the master brake cylinder as follows:
washer (3), yoke (4), seal (5) and spacer (6).
a. Remove filler cap (8) and washer (9). Remove boot
b. Remove screw (24) and remove retainer nut (25),
(l). Remove clip (2), washer (3) and piston assembly.
two bearings (26), and cup (27).
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