![]() TM 55-1740-200-14
f. Remove four screws (55), nuts (56), and tubes (54)
c. Remove setscrew (21) from bracket (111). Remove
from clips (59 and 60). Remove bolt (57) and nut (58)
two screws (24), wedge washers (25), washers (26), and
from eleven leaf springs (63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70,
nuts (27) and remove grill brackets (22 and 23). Remove
71, 72, and 73). Remove two rivets (61 ) and remove two
eight screws (29), washers (30), and nuts (31) and remove
alinement clips (60) from leaf spring (69). Remove two
frame plate (28).
rivets (61) and remove two alinements clips (59) from
leaf spring (66). Remove two bushings (62) from leaf
d. Remove two screws (33 and 34), wedge washers
spring (63).
(35), washers (36), and nuts (37) and remove mounting
bracket (32). Remove two screws (39), washers (40), and
nuts (41) and remove crossmember (38). Remove four
g. Remove eight screws (75 and 76), washers (77), and
screws (43), washers (44), and nuts (45) and remove two
nuts (78) and remove four spring shackle brackets (74)
fender brackets (42).
and bracket (79). Remove eight screws (81 and 82),
washers (83) and nuts (84) and remove four spring
e. Remove twelve lubrication fittings (46) from
brackets (80) and crossmember (85).
shackle pins (47). Remove twelve screws (48 and 49),
washers (50) and nuts (51) and remove twelve shackle
h. Remove four screws (88), wedge washers (89),
pins (47). Remove four spring assemblies and spring
washers (90), and nuts (91) and remove cab supports (86
shackles (53). Remove four bushings (52) from four
and 87).
spring shackles (53).
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