![]() TM 55-1740-200-14
1. Cooling group
45. Plate
23. Pulley
2. Bracket
24. Bolt
46. Screw
47. Washer
3. Stud
25. Washer
4. Washer
48. Plate
26. Hub
5. Nut
27. Key
49. Screw
50. Washer
6. Screw
28. Screw
51. Gasket
7. Washer
29. Screw and washer assembly
8. Plug
30. Washer
52. Pin
53. Tube
9. Screw
31. Gasket
10. Nut
32. Nut
54. Cover
55. Screw
11. Head assembly
33. Seal
56. Gasket
12. Screw
34. Gasket
35. Cover
57. Oiling group
13. Bolt
58. Screw
14. Gasket
36. Gasket
59. Tube
15. Cap
37. Sprocket wheel
60. Screw
16. Tube
38. Screw
61. Washer
17. Tube
39. Washer
40. Chain
62. Gasket
18. Bracket
63. Manifold assembly
19. Screw
41. Sprocket wheel
64. Crankshaft and piston group
42. Key
20. Washer
65. Camshaft and valve group
43. Hub
21. Screw
66. Engine block
44. Key
22. Washer
Figure 438. Engine (Sheet 2 of 2)
d. Remove four screws (30), eight screws (31) and
twelve washers (32) and remove differential (29) and
gasket (33).
4-352. REMOVAL. Refer to figure 4-46 and remove
the axle installation as follows:
e. Place automotive jack under the tractor and raise
the tractor until the tires are clear. Remove seven screws
(22), one screw (23), eight washers (24) and nuts (25)
and remove the hub assembly (21).
Tractor weight is 10,700 pounds. Provide
proper capacity jack when raising tractor.
f. Remove sixteen nuts (9), sixteen washers (10) and
eight studs (11) and remove axle housing (37), bracket
a. Remove axle propeller shaft as outlined in para-
(11) and pad (12). Remove nut (6) and washer (7) and
g r a p h 4333.
remove bumper (5) from bracket (11). Remove pin (38),
two seals (34), plug (36) and vent (35) from housing
b. Remove two grease fittings (13), nuts (14) and
bolts (15) and remove tie rod assembly. Remove two
screws (17), washers (18) and nuts (19) and remove two
4-353. DISASSEMBLY. None required.
clevis (16) from rod (20).
c. Remove two nuts (1), washers (2) and grommets (3)
and remove shock absorber assembly. Remove two
grommets (3) and washers (2) from shock absorber (4).
REMOVAL. Remove the hub assembly as
outlined in paragraph 4-352.
4-356. DISASSEMBLY. Refer to figure 4-47 and dis-
Provide proper receptacle and drain dif-
assemble the hub assembly as follows:
ferential lubricant.
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