![]() a. General.
( 1 ) The multiple disc, oil-type steering clutches
are held in engagement by springs, and are
b. Removal and Installation.
disengaged hydraulically.
( 1 ) Remove the fuel tank, (para 5- 1 4 ) t h e r e a r
(2) The steering clutch disc assemblies have
cross member, a n d b r a k e e n g a g i n g m e c h a n i s m
t e e t h on the outer diameter which mesh with splines
i n the outer drum. The steering clutch driving discs
(2) Rotate the track by placing a hydraulic
have lugs on the inside diameter which interlock
j a c k u n d e r t r a c k g r o u s e r a n d r e m o v e the bolts (1,
with the tapered recesses of the inner drum.
( 3 ) The steering clutches are disengaged by oil
p r e s s u r e acting behind the steering clutch piston (1,
To prevent the possiblity of the outer drum slipping off
the steering clutch driven drum flange (3, fig. 6-82)
a g a i n s t the steering clutch spring retainer (3). This
and the inner drum slipping off the steering clutch
m o l e s the steering clutch pressure plate (2) out of
driving hub (2), causing steering clutch assembly to
contact with the discs to disengage the clutch.
drop, leave two bolts (1) securing the inner drum to the
hub until a sling is attached. The bolts holding the
outer drum to the flange can be removed, replaced,
and torqued through the opening in the side of the
steering clutch and bevel gear case, after removing the
plug. Rotate the steering clutch assembly after each
bolt is removed to gain access to the next one.
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