![]() all metal chips and particles before the
converter are the rotating housing (2), impeller (5),
converter is returned to operation. All
lines, i n c l u d i n g t h o s e t o t h e g a g e s ,
should be removed and cleaned. It is
(4) Oil for operation of the torque converter is
supplied by the transmission and steering clutch
essential that the torque converter
cooler be absolutely clean. Failure to
control oil pump and enters the housing (1), passes
take these precautions will probably
through the inlet port in the carrier (11) to the
recurrent failure. Any
torque converter. The pressure of this oil is held to
foreign material left in the torque
40-44 psi at stall speed by a torque converter outlet
converter fluid system will be cir-
relief valve. Refer to paragraph 6-11 for the correct
culated through the transmission
testing and adjusting procedure. Oil leaves the
lubrication valve and into the trans-
torque, converter through outlet port in the carrier.
From here it flows through the oil cooler and
r e t u r n s to the transmission lubrication system.
(5) The energy imparted by the impeller (5)
transmits torque to t h e t u r b i n e ( 1 0 ) a n d c o n -
sequenty the output shaft (7). Under normal
conditions. the oil passes through the
(1) Drain the oil from transmission
torque divider (TM 5-2410-233-20).
converter easily and quickly striking each blade at a
v e r y slight angle. When a load is encountered, the
( 2 ) Remove the floor plates (para 2-8a), seat
speed of the turbine is reduced, and the oil strikes
f r a m e (para 2-9), and brake pedal assembly (para
t h e t u r b i n e b l a d e s a t a sharper
m u l t i p l i e s the torque delivered to the output shaft
( 3 ) Remove transmission vent line (fig. 2-31,
o f the torque divider.
sheet 4 of 6), transmission oil pump oil outlet line.
c. Lubrication.
(4) Disconnect the oil temperature sensing
(1) Oil for lubrication of the torque divider
u n i t from the torque converter.
bearings and planetary system is furnished from the
(5) Disconnect the torque divider oil outlet
s u p p l y used for operation of the torque converter.
line from the torque divider and from the oil cooler
The bearings (15) are constantly running in oil.
(6) Remove the torque divider oil inlet line
and the pilot bearing (15) receive lubrication
through drilled passages in the output shaft (7).
( 7 ) Remove the scavenge pump oil outlet line.
T h e o u t p u t shaft rear bearing (17) receives
(8) Remove power take-off gears oil supply
l u b r i c a t i o n from normal oil leakage past a piston
r i n g - t y p e seal.
(9) Remove drive shaft (para 6-2).
( 2 ) Normal oil leakage past the bearings and
in. - 11 NC forged
piston ring-type seals falls to the bottom of the
eyebolts in top of torque divider. Attach a hoist to
torque divider housing and is picked up by the
scavenge pump and returned to the transmission
( J 1 ) Remove the twelve retaining nuts (fig. 2-
lubricating system.
in. - 16 NC
31, sheet 4 of 6) and install two
Torque Divider Reconditioning.
forcing screws to separate torque divider from
(1) To obtain maximum service, cleanliness
f l y w h e e l housing. Remove the torque divider from
m u s t be the rule. Be careful to avoid introducing
t h e tractor.
dirt into the torque divider or the fluid system when
r e c o n d i t i o n i n g and filling the fluid system.
Secure the planet carrier (8, fig. 6-1) to
(2) Protect all internal parts of the torque
the torque divider housing with a wire
divider during reconditioning to avoid bumping,
to prevent possible serious personal
burring, scratching, or damaging.
injury as a result of the carrier sliding
out of location and falling from the
(3) Oil all parts before installation and be sure
torque divider output shaft.
t h e r e is oil in the bevel gear sump before starting
the diesel engine. Run the diesel engine at one half
(12) Mark the mating teeth of sun gear (fig. 6-
4) and flywheel. Remove the sun gear retaining
engine speed for several minutes before putting the
r i n g and remove the sun gear.
machine to work.
springs (located
(13) Remove the three
b e h i n d the sun gear) from the flywheel (fig. 5-50).
Whenever a torque converter fails, the
(14) Remove the pilot bearing retaining ring
entire torque converter fluid system
and remove pilot bearing from the flywheel.
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