![]() TM 10-3930-633-34
original bore, positioning the lower end of the rods in
(9) Prime the oil pump by filling the inlet
the valve lifter socket.
opening with oil and rotate the pump shaft until oil
emerges from the outlet opening. Install the oil pump
(17) Apply Lubriplate or equivalent to the
and the oil pump inlet tube. Install the oil pan and
rocker arm fulcrum seat and the fulcrum seat socket
replated parts.
in the rocker arm. Position the rocker arms and
tighten the stud nuts just enough to hold the push
(10) Clean the cylinder head and cylinder
rods in position. Adjust the valve clearance according
block gasket surface. Clean the exhaust manifold and
exhaust pipe gasket surfaces.
(18) Clean the valve rocker arm cover. Place
(11) If the cylinder head was removed for a cyl-
the new gasket in the cover making sure that the tabs
inder head gasket replacement, check the flatness of
of the gasket engage the notches provided in the
the head and block gasket surfaces. Cylinder head
cover. Position the cover, making sure that the gasket
must be flat within 0.006 inch in any 6 inches of sur-
seats evenly around the cylinder head. Install the
face, and within 0.007 inch overall.
cover bolts and torque in sequence (starting in the
(12) Position the gasket over the dowel pins on
center) to specifications.
the cylinder block.
(19) Connect the spark plug wires to the spark
(13) Install lifting eyes on the cylinder head in
the location shown in figure 6-7.3 and use a floor
(20) Connect the crankcase vent hose to the in-
crane and lifting sling to lift the cylinder head over
let tube in the intake manifold. Install the crankcase
the cylinder block. Lower it carefully until it is prop-
ventilation regulator valve in the valve rocker arm
erly positioned on the block and dowel pins. Remove
the hoist and lifting eyes.
(21) Position the fuel inlet line and the distribu-
(14) Coat the threads of the cylinder head bolts
tor vacuum line on the engine. Connect the
with engine oil. Install the bolts.
distributor vacuum line to the distributor and carbu-
retor. Connect the carburetor fuel inlet line to the
(15) Torque the bolts in sequence (fig. 6-7.3)
carburetor and fuel pump.
to specification in the following steps:
(22) Connect the accelerator cable to the car-
(a) Step 1. Torque in sequence to 50-55
buretor. Install the accelerator cable retracting
spring. Connect the choke cable to the carburetor.
(b) Step 2. Torque in sequence to 60-65
(23) Connect the radiator upper hose to the
coolant outlet housing, but do not tighten the clamp.
(c) Step 3. Torque in sequence to 70-75
(24) Fill and bleed the cooling system, then
tighten the heater hose clamp.
When cylinder head bolts have been tightened it is
(25) Operate the engine until engine tempera-
not necessary to retorque the bolts after extended
tures have stabilized. Adjust the engine idle speed
and idle fuel mixture. Check for fuel, oil and coolant
(16) Apply Lubriplate or equivalent to both
(26) Install the air cleaner ductwork.
ends of the push rods. Install the push rods in their
See figure 6-34 for parts identification of
crankshaft and related parts.
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