![]() TM 10-3930-633-12
unthread one turn as a preliminary adjusting setting.
Install throttle shaft and plate.
install carburetor. Make final carburetor adjustment
after installation according to instructions in
Do not force idle mixture adjustment
4-59. Governor
needles against seats, or damage may
a. General. The velocity governor is a single unit
mounted between the carburetor and the intake
(7) Invert main body and place new throttle
manifold. The governor is operated by a combination
body gasket on bowl. Fasten throttle body to bowl
of manifold vacuum and the air flow past the
body with screws and lockwashers; tighten securely.
governor valves. The governor throttle valves are
(8) Install pump discharge valve ball and
offset in the throttle bore so that the combined force
weight into main body. Install pump rod and bracket
of manifold vacuum and the fuel-air flow through the
into bowl cover. Install power valve piston assembly.
bores has greater effect on the larger, upstream area
(9) Install choke lever, choke shaft, and choke
of the valves. This forces the throttle valves to move
plate in the bowl cover. Assemble the accelerator
toward the closed position restricting the fuel-air
pump piston to the pump rod inside the bowl cover.
flow. The closing action of the throttle valves is
Install new main body gasket.
opposed by the control spring. The control spring is
(10) Carefully lower bowl cover down over the
attached to the throttle valve shaft cam. The cam
main body, and check to see that accelerator pump
provides a balance between the closing action of the
plunger is guided properly into the well.
throttle valves and the action of the control spring at
(11) Position choke bracket and dashpot
all engine speeds. Under operating conditions, the
bracket, and secure with bowl cover screws. Install
governor throttle valves do not close, but remain
remainder of bowl cover screws,
open enough to allow the required quantity of the
(12) Install fast idle rod and pump operating
fuel-air mixture to flow into the' manifold to maintain
link, and fast idle screw,
the governed engine speed. To maintain the proper
e. Preliminary Adjustments.
vacuum to the distributor, the governor has two
(1) With throttle lever in the idle position, the
interconnected vacuum transfer ports and a vacuum
distance from the edge of the vacuum passage casting
transfer plunger. When the governor throttle valves
to the center of the hole in the pump operating rod
are forced toward the closed position, vacuum from
should be 27/32 inch as shown in figure 4-29.2. Bend
the lower port is supplied to the distributor to
pump rod to obtain proper dimension.
maintain sufficient spark advance. W h e n the
governor throttle valves are open wide enough, the
plunger shuts off the bottom port and the top port
supplies vacuum to the carburetor distributor vacuum
passage for sufficient vacuum to the distributor.
b. Adjustment. If engine governed speed is too
low or too high, and governor setting is to be checked
and adjusted, proceed as follows:
(1) Connect as tachometer to the engine. With
the engine at normal operating temperature, operate
the engine at wide open throttle and compare the
RPM with the operating range of the governor. The
operating range is stamped on the governor plate (see
(2) If governed speed is within range, stop the
engine and remove the tachometer.
(3) If adjustment is required or desired,
remove the governor seal. To increase RPM, turn the
cap counterclockwise. To decrease RPM, turn the
cap clockwise. When adjustment is completed, stop
the engine, seal the cap, and remove the tachometer.
c. Replacement,
replacement procedures are given in paragraph 4-58.
(2) With dashpot stem depressed and linkage
Governor and related parts are illustrated in figure
set at idle speed, 3/32 clearance should exist between
4-30. Perform governor adjustment after installation
end of dashpot stem and tang on pump operating
of new governor.
rod. See figure 4-29.2.
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