![]() TM 10-3930-633-12
4-56. Carburetor
(2) Adjust the idle mixture screw to obtain
the highest RPM. While making the adjustment,
a. General. The carburetor consists of three
carefully watch the tachometer and notice that
main assemblies; the air intake body, main body
the speed can be decreased by turning the screw
and the throttle body. The air intake body, which
in either direction from the setting that gave the
serves as the main body cover, contains the choke
highest RPM reading.
plate, vent tube, and float and lever assembly.
(3) From the highest idle speed setting, turn
The anti-stall dashpot is bracket-mounted to the
the mixture screw clockwise (leaner) until the
air intake body. The main body contains the
speed starts to drop. Turn the screw in the Op -
accelerator pump assembly, metering rod jet,
posite direction (counterclockwise) just far
low-speed jet, accelerator pump check ball and
enough to recover the speed that was lost.
weight, an anti-percolator bleed and the main
discharge nozzle. The throttle body contains the
This procedure will assure that the idle has been
throttle plate, throttle shaft and lever and idle
set to the leanest mixture possible for smooth idle.
mixture adjusting screw with a plastic limiter cap
This setting is very important.
and choke connector rod (manuaI choke car-
(4) Since the correct speed was originally set
using the speed screw, the speed obtained after
b. Operation. The engine speed is regulated
finding the leanest smooth idle setting will
and controlled by a proportion of fuel and air
probably be too fast.
delivered to the cylinders for all engine operating
(5) Readjust the speed screw to obtain
conditions. Operation is based on the principle of
correct idle speed. Repeat steps (2) and (3) above.
pressure differences. Air is drawn into the car-
buretor air horn by mainfold vacuum. As the air
passes through the carburetor on the way to enter
the cylinders, low pressure is created at the fuel
discharge outlets of the carburetor. The fuel bowl
is vented to the air intake body. The high air
pressure exerted on the fuel in the bowl forces the
fuel to travel up through the fuel discharge
channels and out into the air stream passing
through the carburetor. The fuel and air is mixed
at the point and distributed into the engine
cylinders for combustion.
Before attempting carburetor adjustment, check
the condition of the following:
a. Spark Plugs. See that plugs are correct
type, clean, and have correct gap.
b. Distributor Points. See that points are
clean, in good condition and properly set.
c. All High Tension Terminals. See t h a t
terminals are making good contact at plugs and
at distributor cap and the coil towers.
d. Carburetor. Check that carburetor is
securely mounted to mainfold, and that no fuel or
air leakage is evident.
e. Adjustment. Before making idle speed
adjustment, have the engine warmed up. For best
results, use a tachometer to determine engine
speed during these adjustments. Refer to figure 4-
29 and proceed as follows:
and other performance complaints are, in many
instances, caused by the presence of dirt, water,
(1) Turn the idle speed screw in or out to
obtain 500 RPM reading on the tachometer. Be
or other foreign matter in the carburetor. To aid
sure that the choke valve is filly open and that
in diagnosing the complaint, the carburetor
the fast idle adjusting screw is not contacting the
should be carefully removed from the engine
without removing the fuel from the bowl. The
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