![]() TM 10-3930-633-12
c. Breaker Points. Check points for pitting,
spark plugs, grasp, twist, and pull on the
burning or excessive metal transfer as outlined in
moulded cap only. Do not pull on the wire because
the following steps:
the wire connections inside the cap may become
(1) The normal color of contact points should
separated or the weather seal may be damaged.
be a light gray. If the contact point surfaces are
b. Removal. Disconnect wires at plugs and at
black, it is usually caused by oil vapor, or grease
the distributor cap. Remove coil high tension
from the cam. If they are blue, the cause is
u s u a l l y excessive heating due to improper
c. Installation, Connect wires to proper plugs
alignment, high resistance or open condenser
(see figure 4-10). Insert ends of wires in the
correct sockets in distributor cap. Be sure wires
(2) Badly pitted points may be caused by a
are all the way down into their sockets and that
defective or improper condenser capacity. If the
they are held firmly in position. The No. 1 plug is
c o n d e n s e r capacity is too high, the crater
the front plug. Install wires into distributor
sockets in a clockwise direction, starting at No. 1
(depression) will form in the positive contact. If
the condenser capacity is too low, the crater will
socket. NOW install coil high tension lead. Push
form m the negative contact.
all weather seals into position.
(3) For a temporary repair, dress the contact
points with a few even strokes using a clean fine-
cut contact file. Do not attempt to remove all
roughness or dress the point surfaces down
Never use emery cloth or sandpaper to
clean points as particles will be imbedded
in the points and cause arcing and rapid
Use a dwell meter to check the contact dwell. It is
Check the coil for secure mounting. Wipe the coil
not advisable to use a feeler gage to adjust or to
with a damp cloth moistened in Stoddard type
check the gap of used breaker points because the
solvent and check for cracks in the coil case.
roughness of the points makes an accurate gap
Check coil terminals for tight connections and
reading or setting impossible. Clean the breaker
proper polarity.
points and check and adjust the alignment. Check
the contact dwell following the instructions of the
dwell meter manufacturer. See table 4-4 for
Disconnect spark plug wiring at the distributor
proper setting.
cap. Remove distributor cap and make the
following inspection:
a. Distributor Cap. Clean the distributor cap
The vented-type breaker points must be ac-
with a soft bristle brush and Solvent, Federal
curately aligned in order to realize the full ad-
Specification P-D-680. Dry the cap with com-
vantages provided by this design, and to assure
pressed air. Inspect the cap for cracks, burned
normal breaker point life. Any misalignment of
contacts, permanent carbon tracks or dirt or
the breaker point surfaces will cause premature
corrosion in the sockets. Replace the cap if it is
wear, overheating, and pitting.
a. Turn the distributor cam so that the breaker
b. Rotor. Clean the rotor with a soft bristle
points are closed and check the alignment of the
brush and a Stoddard type cleaning solvent, The
points (fig. 4-11).
rotor should be dried with compressed air. In-
spect the rotor for cracks or burning. Replace the
rotor if it is defective.
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