TM 9-2320-360-34-2
Flat measurement must not exceed
0.003 In. (0.076 mm).
(6) Measure flat spots (2) on 12 cam lobes
using a straightedge (3) and 0.003 In.
(0.076 mm) feeler gage (4).
camshaft if measurement exceeds 0.003
in. (0.076 mm).
(7) Measure and record diameters of three
bearing Journals (5). Replace camshaft
(1) if any diameter is less than 1.4980 in.
(38.049 mm).
(8) Measure and record diameters of two end
bearing journals (6). Replace camshaft
(1) if any diameter is less than 1.4980 in.
(38.049 mm).
(9) Measure and record inside diameter of
four end bearing bushings (7 and 8).
(10) Take measurement
recorded in step (8)
and subtract it
from measurement
recorded in step (9).
Total difference may
not exceed 0.006 in.
(0.15 mm).
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