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TM 9-2320-312-24-2
Troubleshooting Section
B. Check the harness and the wiring for abrasion
K. Use the following procedure to measure the
and pinch points from the sensor back to the
sensor resistance (Ohms) for the top camshaft
position sensor:
C. Disconnect the suspect sensor from the engine
Refer to Illustration 93.
D. Thoroughly inspect ECM engine harness
from P2:48 (Top Camshaft Speed/Timing
connectors for the sensors J401/P401 or
Sensor Positive) to P2:49 (Top Camshaft
J402/P402. Refer to Troubleshooting, "Electrical
Speed/Timing Sensor Negative).
Connectors - Inspect" for details.
b. Check for an intermittent open circuit or
E. Use the following procedure to measure the
short circuit by moving the harness while the
sensor resistance (Ohms) for the camshaft
measurement for resistance is being taken.
position sensor at the sensor connector between
Pull the wires that are directly behind the
terminal A and Terminal B:
sensors or shake the wires that are directly
behind the sensors.
resistance (Ohms) from J401:B (E964-WH)
Resistance ........................... 75 to 230 Ohms
to J401:A (E963-BK).
L. Use the following procedure to measure the
Terminal B of the sensor connector is Top
sensor resistance (Ohms) for the bottom
Camshaft Speed/Timing Positive.
camshaft position sensor:
Terminal A of the sensor connector is Top
Refer to Illustration 93.
Camshaft Speed/Timing Negative.
Resistance ............................ 75 to 230 Ohms
resistance (Ohms) from P2: 58 (Bottom
Camshaft Speed/Timing Positive) to P2:59
F. Use the following procedure to measure the
(Bottom Camshaft Speed/Timing Negative).
sensor resistance (Ohms) for the bottom
camshaft position sensor at the sensor connector
b. Check for an intermittent open circuit or
between terminal A and terminal B:
short circuit by moving the harness while the
measurement for resistance is being taken.
Pull the wires that are directly behind the
resistance (Ohms) from J402:B (E966-YL) to
sensors or shake the wires that are directly
J402:A (E965-BU).
behind the sensors.
Terminal B of the sensor connector is Bottom
Resistance ....................... 600 to 1800 Ohms
Camshaft Speed/Timing Positive.
Expected Result:
Terminal A of the sensor connector is Bottom
Camshaft Speed/Timing Negative.
The readings agree with the values that are listed
Resistance ....................... 600 to 1800 Ohms
Note: Timing calibration is not necessary following
OK Neither a short circuit nor an open circuit is
replacement of the speed/timing sensors. Refer to
the information in the System Operation Section
indicated. Proceed to Test Step 5.
regarding the installation of sensors.
Not OK The sensor resistance is not within the
Expected Result:
acceptable range when the sensor resistance is
measured through the engine harness. Proceed
The readings agree with the values that are listed
to Test Step 4.
Test Step 4. Measure the Resistance of
the Sensor at the Sensor
OK The sensor resistance is correct. Proceed
A. Turn the ignition key switch to the OFF position.
to Test Step 5.
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