![]() TM 9-2320-312-24-2
Troubleshooting Section
D. Check the harness and wiring for abrasion and
B. Insert a jumper between terminal J1:49 and
pinch points from the appropriate sensor back
terminal J1:5.
to the ECM.
C. Turn the ignition key switch to the ON position.
Monitor the active diagnostic code screen.
Expected Result:
All connectors, pins and sockets should be
Expected Result:
completely coupled and/or inserted and the harness
and wiring should be free of corrosion, abrasion
The "Low Coolant Level Warning" event code
or pinch points.
becomes inactive when the terminals are shorted.
OK Proceed to Test Step 3.
Yes The problem is in the harness wiring.
Not OK Repair the connectors or wiring and/or
Repair: Repair the wiring or replace the wiring,
as required.
replace the connectors or wiring. Ensure that all
of the seals are properly in place and ensure that
the connectors are completely coupled. Verify
that the repair eliminates the problem. STOP.
No The problem is on the ECM side.
Test Step 3. Check the Coolant Level
Repair: Temporarily connect a test ECM. Ensure
that the parameters for "Engine Monitoring" and
"Coolant Level Sensor" are programmed to match
A. Connect Cat ET to the cab data link connector.
the old ECM. If the problem is resolved with the
test ECM, reconnect the suspect ECM. If the
B. Remove the connector to the coolant level switch.
problem returns with the suspect ECM, replace
the ECM.
C. Turn the ignition key switch to the ON position.
Monitor the active diagnostic code screen.
D. Short the terminals on the connector to the
coolant level switch.
0128-03 Secondary Fuel Level
Expected Result:
Sensor Open Circuit (44)
The "Low Coolant Level Warning" code becomes
inactive when the terminals are shorted.
SMCS Code: 1408-081; 7483-038-NS
Conditions Which Generate This Code:
Yes There is a problem with the coolant level
This diagnostic code is used only by GMT-560
Repair: Replace the coolant level switch.
The Secondary Fuel Level signal voltage is above
the acceptable range for more than 10 seconds.
Ensure that the repair eliminates the problem.
System Response:
Electronic System Response If the parameter
"Primary Fuel Tank Size" is programmed and a
diagnostic code for the primary fuel level sensor is
Repair: Reconnect the connector for the coolant
not active, the ECM will use the primary fuel level
level switch.
sensor to determine the fuel level.
Proceed to Test Step 4.
Test Step 4. Check the Harness for the
Coolant Level Switch
A. Connect Cat ET to the cab data link connector.
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