![]() TM 9-2320-312-24-2
Troubleshooting Section
GMT-560 applications have the option of using a
2-pin switch to monitor coolant level. To use a 2-pin
0111-11 Very Low Coolant
switch, the parameter "Manufacturer/Model" must
Level (62)
be programmed to "GMT-560" and the parameter
"Coolant Level Sensor" must be programmed
to "2-pin switch". The diagnostic fault codes for
SMCS Code: 7422-038
the coolant level sensors are disabled when the
"Coolant Level Sensor" parameter is programmed
Conditions Which Generate This Code:
to "2-pin switch". The switch is connected to
P1/J1:49 ( coolant level switch) and to P1/J1:5
This condition indicates that the coolant level is
(AP sensor/switch sensor common). If the coolant
very low. "Engine Monitoring" must be programmed
level is normal, the switch should be closed and
to "WARNING", "DERATE", or "SHUTDOWN", and
P1/J1:49 connected to ground. The warning lamp
the parameter "Coolant Level Sensor" must be
will be illuminated via the J1939 data link when the
programmed to "4-pin", "2-pin switch", or "2-wire
coolant is low.
float sensor" before this diagnostic code can occur.
Test Step 1. Check the Level of the
Note: This diagnostic code represents a critical
event. This diagnostic code does not represent an
electronic system fault.
Visually check the level of the coolant. Ensure that
the coolant level switch is fully immersed in the
System Response:
Electronic System Response If the "Engine
Expected Result:
Monitoring" is programmed to "DERATE" or
"SHUTDOWN", the ECM will derate the power and
The coolant is at the proper level.
the ECM will limit the vehicle speed due to this
diagnostic code.
If "Engine Monitoring" is programmed to
OK Proceed to Test Step 2.
"WARNING", the Check Engine Lamp will flash and
the Warning Lamp will illuminate continuously.
Not OK
If "Engine Monitoring" is programmed to "DERATE"
Repair: Fill the cooling system with the proper
or "SHUTDOWN", the Check Engine Lamp and the
coolant to the correct level. For further information,
Warning Lamp will flash.
refer to the Operations and Maintenance Manual.
This diagnostic code requires a Customer Password
in order to be cleared.
Test Step 2. Inspect Electrical Connectors
Service Tool Display or Lamps Caterpillar
and Wiring
Electronic Technician (Cat ET) will display "LOW"
and "DIAG" next to "Engine Coolant Level" on the
A. Thoroughly inspect the following connectors:
status screen while the diagnostic code is active.
J1/P1 ECM vehicle harness connector
Engine Response If "Engine Monitoring" is
programmed to "WARNING" this diagnostic code
Harness for the connector to the coolant level
does not affect engine power.
If "Engine Monitoring" is programmed to "DERATE"
Connector terminals for the switch
or "SHUTDOWN", the vehicle speed is limited to a
maximum of 72 km/h (45 mph), and the power is
Refer to Troubleshooting, "Electrical Connectors
limited. The engine will shut down if conditions exist
- Inspect" for details.
for a long enough period in the SHUTDOWN mode.
B. Perform a 45 N (10 lb) pull test on each of the
wires in the ECM connector that are associated
with the appropriate diagnostic code.
If the vehicle is equipped with the 2-Pin Switch,
proceed with the following steps.
C. Check the ECM connector (allen head screw) for
the proper torque of 6.0 Nm (55 lb in).
2-Pin Switch
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