![]() TM 9-2320-312-24-2
Troubleshooting Section
Note: This diagnostic code represents an critical
event. This diagnostic code does not represent an
0102-07 Excessive Boost
electronic system fault.
System Response:
SMCS Code: 1917-038
Electronic System Response The ECM does not
derate the power. Also, the ECM does not limit
Conditions Which Generate This Code:
the engine rpm or the vehicle speed due to this
diagnostic code.
The boost pressure is higher than the boost pressure
that is required for normal operating conditions.
The Check Engine Lamp will flash.
Note: The diagnostic code indicates a mechanical
The Warning Lamp will illuminate if the "Engine
problem. The ECM and the electronic control system
Monitoring" is programmed to "WARNING",
is operating correctly.
System Response:
This diagnostic code requires a Customer Password
in order to be cleared.
Electronic System Response Boost pressure is
set to 0 kPa (0 psi).
Service Tool Display or Lamps Caterpillar
Electronic Technician (ET) will display "DIAG" next
Service Tool Display or Lamps Caterpillar
to "Intake Manifold Air Temperature" on the status
Electronic Technician (ET) will indicate 0 kPa (0 psi)
screen while the diagnostic code is active.
and display "DIAG" next to "Boost Pressure" on the
status screen while the diagnostic code is active.
Engine Response This diagnostic code does not
The Check Engine Lamp will illuminate.
affect engine power.
Engine Response The engine may experience low
power when the diagnostic code is active.
This diagnostic code indicates an excessive
temperature in the air inlet manifold. This diagnostic
code does not indicate a problem with the ECM or
The diagnostic code indicates a problem with
a problem with the temperature sensor for the air
the turbocharger, the wastegate, or a pinched
inlet manifold.
turbocharger line. The diagnostic code does not
indicate a problem with the ECM or the electronic
Test Step 1. Check for Diagnostic Codes.
control system.
A. Connect ET to the cab data link connector.
B. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. The
engine should be off.
C. Check for any active diagnostic codes or logged
diagnostic codes.
0105-00 High Inlet Manifold
Temp Warning (64)
Expected Result:
There should be no diagnostic codes that are
SMCS Code: 1921-038
Conditions Which Generate This Code:
The engine has been running for at least 30
OK Proceed to Test Step 2.
Not OK
The coolant temperature is above 99 C (210 F).
Repair: Repair the diagnostic codes that
The air temperature for the air inlet manifold is equal
are present. For further details, refer to
to 90 C (194 F) or above 90 C (194 F). "Engine
Troubleshooting, "Troubleshooting With a
Monitoring" must be programmed to "WARNING",
Diagnostic Code".
"DERATE", or "SHUTDOWN" before this diagnostic
code can occur.
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