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TM 9-2320-312-24-2
Troubleshooting Section
D. Note the temperature for the sensor on the ET
Ensure that the repair eliminates the problem.
status screen .
E. Start the engine but remain parked.
Test Step 2. Inspect Electrical Connectors
and Wiring.
F. Monitor the temperature for the sensor on the ET
status screen as the engine is warming.
A. Thoroughly inspect the following connectors:
Expected Result:
J2/P2 ECM engine harness connector
The temperature before starting the engine should
J1/P1 ECM vehicle harness connector
be within reasonable limits, and the temperature
increases as the engine warms.
connector terminals for the sensor
Note: The engine may require several hours to cool
down depending on the ambient air temperature
Refer to Troubleshooting, "Electrical Connectors
around the vehicle.
- Inspect" for details.
B. Perform a 45 N (10 lb) pull test on each of the
wires in the ECM connector that are associated
Yes The sensor is functioning correctly. If
with the appropriate diagnostic code.
a problem is still suspected the problem is a
mechanical problem. The problem is not an
C. Check the ECM connector (allen head screw) for
electronic problem.
the proper torque of 6.0 Nm (55 lb in).
Repair: Perform the following diagnostic
D. Check the harness and wiring for abrasion and
pinch points from the appropriate sensor back
to the ECM.
Refer to Troubleshooting, "Troubleshooting without
a Diagnostic Code" for a procedure that best
Expected Result:
describes the conditions.
All connectors, pins and sockets should be
completely coupled and/or inserted and the harness
and wiring should be free of corrosion, abrasion
No Proceed to Test Step 4.
or pinch points.
Test Step 4. Compare the Temperature
Choose the OK option in order to select the sensor
Reading to the Temperature from Another
that requires troubleshooting or select the NOT OK
option if the wiring is causing the problem.
A. Remove the temperature sensor from the engine.
OK Proceed to Test Step 3.
B. Connect the sensor to the engine harness. Hold
the sensor and the thermocouple probe from the
Not OK Repair the connectors or wiring and/or
6V-9130 Temperature Adapter in the air. Allow
replace the connectors or wiring. Ensure that all
three minutes for the sensor and the probe to
of the seals are properly in place and ensure that
respond to the temperature of the air.
the connectors are completely coupled. Verify
that the repair eliminates the problem. STOP.
C. The ET status screen will display the temperature
reading from the sensor. Compare the
Test Step 3. Check the Sensor in the
temperature reading to the temperature reading
from the 6V-9130 Temperature Adapter.
A. Ensure that the temperature of the engine is cool
D. Hold the sensor and the thermocouple probe in
before starting this procedure.
your hand and check the temperatures again.
Do not expose the sensor to a flame.
B. Connect ET to the cab data link connector.
Expected Result:
C. Turn the ignition key switch to the ON position.
The two measurements are within 15 C (27 F) of
each other.
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