![]() TM 9-2320-312-24-2
Troubleshooting Section
ECM Connections
4. If the "Idle Shutdown Time" or the "PTO
Shutdown Time" is programmed above 0, use ET
to look for the following diagnostic codes:
A problem with the battery power, the ground to the
ECM or the vehicle wiring can cause erratic engine
71-01 Idle Shutdown Occurrence (47)
rpm or other more severe problems. If this is a
suspected cause, refer to Troubleshooting, "Ignition
71-14 PTO Shutdown Occurrence (47)
Key Switch Circuit and Battery Supply Circuit Test".
Battery Power or Ground to the
Intermittent Engine Shutdown
1. Ensure that the following connectors have been
SMCS Code: 7569
installed correctly:
Probable Causes
ECM connectors (J1/P1 and J2/P2)
The probable root causes are listed in order below:
Injector connector (J300/P300)
Idle Shutdown and Engine Monitoring
Camshaft position sensor connector
(J401/P401 and J402/P402)
Battery power or ground to the ECM
2. Use ET to check for diagnostic code 168-02
Aftermarket engine protection devices
(Intermittent Battery Power to the ECM).
Check the power connections for the ECM
Fuel supply
and the ground connections for the ECM. If a
problem is suspected, wire a bypass. Refer to
Engine speed/timing sensors
Troubleshooting, "Ignition Key Switch Circuit and
Battery Supply Circuit - Test".
Low injection actuation pressure
3. If the problem occurs only after engine warm-up
ECM or Personality Module
and the problem disappears after the engine
cooldown, the circuit breakers may be tripping
Note: Shut down the engine before attempting to
because of the heat. Check the circuit breakers
troubleshoot the problem.
on the vehicle in order to determine if the circuit
breakers reset automatically.
Recommended Actions
Aftermarket Engine Protection
Perform the following diagnostic procedures in
1. Check aftermarket engine protection devices.
Idle Shutdown and Engine
These devices usually interrupt power to the
ECM and the ECM will not communicate with ET.
2. Check for the correct installation of the
1. Check the parameters for "Engine Monitoring"
aftermarket engine protection device.
and "Idle Shutdown".
3. Check for the correct operation of the aftermarket
2. Connect Caterpillar Electronic Technician (ET) to
engine protection device.
the cab data link connector. Read the following
customer parameters:
4. Verify that the ECM is receiving battery voltage.
"Engine Monitoring"
Fuel Supply
"Idle Shutdown Time"
3. If "Engine Monitoring" is programmed to
is being cranked.
shutdown, use ET to look for the following
diagnostic codes:
If no smoke is present, there may be a problem
with the fuel quality or there may be a problem
110-11 Very High Coolant Temperature (61)
with the fuel supply.
111-11 Very Low Coolant Level (62)
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