![]() TM 9-2320-312-24-2
Troubleshooting Section
Air Inlet Restriction
2. Check for diagnostic codes that are related to
the coolant temperature circuit.
Check the Air Inlet System for restrictions. Refer
3. Monitor the status of the coolant temperature
to Testing and Adjusting, "Air Inlet and Exhaust
sensor on the status screen of the Caterpillar
System - Inspect".
Electronic Technician (ET). If an active open or
a short circuit diagnostic code is detected, refer
to Troubleshooting, "Engine Temperature Sensor
Intermittent Cruise Control,
Open or Short Circuit - Test".
Idle, or PTO Kickout
Hydraulic Electronic Unit Injector
SMCS Code: 1900; 7569
1. Ensure that the Hydraulic Electronic Unit Injector
connector (J300/P300) is fully connected and
Probable Causes
ensure that the Hydraulic Electronic Unit Injector
connector (J300/P300) is free of corrosion.
The probable root causes are listed in order below:
2. Ensure that the ECM engine harness connector
Cruise control, idle control, and PTO control status
(J2/P2) is fully connected and ensure that the
engine harness connector (J2/P2) is free of
A clutch pedal position switch that is incorrectly
3. Connect ET to the cab data link connector. Use
Malfunctioning on/off switch for cruise control and
the Cylinder Cutout Test. Access the Cylinder
idle control
Cutout Test by selecting the "Diagnostic Menu"
and the "Diagnostics Test Menu". Run the
Malfunctioning switch for service brake pedal
Cylinder Cutout Test in order to disable each
cylinder. Disabling each cylinder allows the
technician to isolate the misfiring cylinders.
Malfunctioning transmission neutral switch
If the misfiring cylinder can be isolated to
Vehicle speed circuit problem
a specific cylinder, refer to Troubleshooting,
"Injector Solenoid Circuit - Test".
Battery power or ground to the ECM
Combustion Problem
Recommended Actions
Check for combustion problems.
Perform the following diagnostic procedures in
Examples of combustion problems are shown in the
following list:
ET Status Screen
Outside temperatures are too cold.
1. Connect Caterpillar Electronic Technician (ET) to
Mechanical problem
the cab data link connector. Check the status
screen for the last item that caused the kickout
Intake Air Heater
for the cruise control, the idle control or the PTO
1. Inspect the wiring for the intake air heater for
Note: ET will only provide access to the last cause
damage or bad connections.
of the kickout. If the ECM is powered down and
the ECM is powered up, the display on ET will be
2. Connect ET to the cab data link connector.
blank. The ECM is powered down when the ignition
key switch is turned to the OFF position. It may
3. Check the coolant temperature sensor and
be necessary to take the vehicle for a test drive in
the intake air temperature sensor for proper
order to repeat the problem. Check ET before the
ECM is turned off by the keyswitch.
4. Check the element inside the intake air heater.
If ET indicates "Switch Turned Off", go to Step 2.
If ET indicates "Brake", "Clutch", or "Neutral" go
to Step 3.
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