![]() TM 9-2320-312-24-2
Troubleshooting Section
"PTO Engine RPM Set Speed Input
If the "PTO to Set Speed" parameter is programmed
to "YES", the engine will proceed to this speed
whenever the PTO on/off circuit is turned on.
JUL99 and newer Personality Modules.
Note: "PTO Configuration" must be programmed
to "Cab Switches" or "Remote Switches" for this
If the "PTO Engine RPM Set Speed B" parameter
parameter to function.
is programmed to the corresponding switch input
option, the switch is used in order to control
This parameter must be programmed higher than
engine speed during PTO operation. The "PTO
the programmed low idle. If the "PTO to Set Speed"
Configuration" parameter must be programmed to
is programmed to a higher value than the "PTO Top
"Cab Switches", "Remote Switches", or "Remote
Engine Limit", the set speed will be limited by the
Throttle" and the "PTO Engine RPM Set Speed B"
lower "PTO Top Engine Limit".
parameter must be programmed to a valid speed.
For one rpm set speed above low idle, program
"PTO to Set Speed"
the "PTO Top Engine Limit" to the same rpm as the
"PTO Engine RPM Set Speed".
This parameter causes the ECM to proceed to the
programmed "PTO Engine RPM Set Speed" when
For two rpm set speeds above low idle, program
the PTO on/off switch is on. "PTO Configuration"
this parameter to some intermediate value between
must be programmed to "Cab Switches" or
the low idle and the "PTO Top Engine Limit".
"Remote Switches" before this parameter can be
Move the PTO on/off switch to the ON position.
Toggle the set switch once in order to cause the rpm
Note: This parameter is not available when "PTO
to advance to the "PTO Engine RPM Set Speed".
Configuration" is programmed to "Remote Throttle".
Toggle the set switch again in order to increase the
engine rpm to the "PTO Top Engine Limit". Toggling
Table 35
the resume switch decreases the engine rpm to the
previous set speed.
Table 32
"PTO Cab Throttle RPM Limit"
0 rpm
Low Idle rpm
This determines the engine rpm limit of the pedal
"PTO Engine RPM Set Speed Input
position sensor for the cab accelerator and the
cab set/resume switch when "PTO Configuration" is
programmed to "Cab Switches" and the PTO on/off
circuit is on. This parameter is intended to prevent
JUL99 and newer Personality Modules.
engine overspeed when the dedicated PTO is used.
If the "PTO Engine RPM Set Speed A" parameter
If the parameter is programmed to "Low Idle", the
is programmed to the corresponding switch input
cab controls are ignored.
option, the switch is used in order to control
engine speed during PTO operation. The "PTO
If the parameter is programmed to "Top Engine
Configuration" parameter must be programmed to
Limit" (TEL), the engine will operate to the
"Cab Switches", "Remote Switches", or "Remote
programmed "Top Engine Limit".
Throttle" and the "PTO Engine RPM Set Speed A"
parameter must be programmed to a valid speed.
If the parameter is programmed to "PTO Top
Engine Limit", the engine will operate to the
Table 33
programmed "PTO Top Engine Limit".
Note: "PTO Configuration" must be programmed to
Low Idle rpm
0 rpm
"Cab Switches" for this parameter to take effect.
If "PTO Configuration" is programmed to "Remote
Table 34
Switches" or "Remote Throttle", the ECM will always
ignore the cab controls when the PTO on/off circuit
is on.
0 rpm
Low Idle rpm
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