![]() TM 9-2320-312-24-2
Troubleshooting Section
Customer Specified
If a lockable parameter is not locked out, factory
passwords are not required. A locked out parameter
restricts the parameter from being changed directly
by the customer. This helps vehicle owners that
are encountering problems with operators that are
obtaining customer passwords and altering some of
these parameters.
Customer Specified
A locked out parameter also provides an audit
trail. The audit trail can be used to determine the
following information:
SMCS Code: 1901
Time of change
Customer Specified Parameters allow the vehicle
owner to influence the operating technique of
Operator during change
a driver. Some parameters may affect engine
operation in a way that would not be expected by
The following customer parameters are available
an inadequately trained driver. These parameters
for lockout:
may lead to power or performance complaints
even though the engine's performance is within the
"A/C Pressure Switch Fan-On Time" (Full feature)
engine's specification.
"Battery Monitor and Engine Control Voltage "
Customer parameters may be changed repeatedly
(OCT01 and newer Personality Modules)
as a customer's operation changes or as new
drivers are assigned to a truck. Customer passwords
"Battery Monitor and Low Idle Engine Control"
may be required to change these parameters.
(OCT01 and newer Personality Modules)
The following information is a brief description of
"High Cruise Control Speed Set Limit"
the Customer Specified Parameters. The following
parameter values are included with the descriptions:
"High Speed Range Axle Ratio"
"Input #6" (MAR99 Personality Modules through
JUL01 Personality Modules)
"Low Speed Range Axle Ratio"(MAR98 and
newer Personality Modules)
Note: Parameter values that are shown in bold text
"Max PTO Vehicle Speed" (OCT01 and newer
are programmed settings that disable the feature.
Personality Modules)
The tables show values in an approximate range for
"Soft Vehicle Speed Limit"
metric units that is followed by the metric conversion
to English units. The exact range of the parameter
"Top Engine Limit"
in metric units depends on the service tool that is
being used. Each tool may use slightly different
"Transmission Style"
conversion factors.
"Two Speed Axle Switch" (OCT01 and newer
Customer Parameter Lockout
Personality Modules)
The Customer Parameter Lockout is available in
"Vehicle ID"
order to restrict access to changing some of the
available parameters. Locking out a parameter
"Vehicle Speed Cal J1939-ABS)" (OCT01 and
requires customer passwords (if used). Once a
newer Personality Modules)
parameter is locked out, factory passwords are
required to change the parameter. Also, once a
"Vehicle Speed Cal (J1939-Trans)"
parameter is locked out, factory passwords are
required to unlock the parameter.
"Vehicle Speed Calibration"
"Vehicle Speed Limit"
"VSL Protection"
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