![]() TM 9-2320-312-24-2
Troubleshooting Section
Adjustment of ECM Date/Time
ECM Diagnostic Clock
The diagnostic clock should not be confused
with the ECM Date/Time clock. The diagnostic
Before adjusting the ECM Date/Time Clock on
clock records the actual hours of the ECM under
a vehicle, ask the owner/operator if the time
power. The information from the diagnostic clock
stamped information should be recorded. After the
is used in order to log occurrences of diagnostic
time stamped information is recorded, clear this
codes and occurrences of event codes. Logged
information before adjusting the ECM Date/Time
diagnostic codes and logged event codes display
Clock. This is a very important step if the adjustment
the diagnostic clock hour of the first occurrence
of the clock is a big adjustment. This will prevent
and the last occurrence and the total number
unnecessary confusion if someone else views the
of occurrences. The diagnostic clock does not
information at a later date.
represent actual engine hours. The clock increments
any time of the ECM under power. This happens
Occurrence of Time Stamped
when the engine is running or when the engine is
not running. Actual engine running hours (Total
Time) can be obtained from the menu for Current
Totals of Electronic Technician (ET).
When the time stamped information is being viewed,
remember that the vehicle may be based in a
different time zone. Also remember the following
two possibilities:
ECM Snapshot
Someone may have incorrectly set the clock.
SMCS Code: 1901
No one ever set the clock.
The ECM can record a snapshot of the engine
parameters and vehicle parameters. The snapshot
Compare the electronic control module's current
records the parameters for a period of 13 seconds
time of day to the time stamped information in the
that surrounds the event. The event is either a
ECM in order to determine the amount of time
diagnostic code or an external trigger.
that has passed since the occurrence of the time
stamped event. DO NOT REPLACE AN ECM
Use Of Snapshot
following example indicates the proper use of the
Use snapshots ONLY to help determine
engine/vehicle operating conditions when an
Proper Use of ECM Date/Time
intermittent problem occurs. If an intermittent
diagnostic code is causing problems, use the
Stamped Information
snapshot data. Snapshot data can be used to
determine whether the problem seems to occur
Caterpillar Electronic Technician (ET) indicates that
under specific circumstances. The following list of
a diagnostic code occurred. The 190-00 Engine
conditions is an example of some of the specific
Overspeed Warning occurred on 19 November 1998
at 10:30:46. ET also indicates that the current time
of day in the ECM is 24 November 1998 at 11:20:58.
Engine rpm
This indicates that the problem occurred in the
past (approximately one week and 50 minutes).
Ranges of vehicle speed
Do not compare the electronic control module's
Ranges of coolant temperature
time of day to the current time of day at your
location. If the electronic control module's time of
Use this data to attempt to duplicate these
day differs significantly from the current time of
conditions with the vehicle and get the code to
day (wrong month), ensure that the important time
stamped information is recorded. After recording
the information, clear the code or the snapshot, and
then adjust the clock.
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