![]() TM 9-2320-303-24-1
Table 1. Standard Heater Circuit Troubleshooting Procedures.
None Of The Lower Variable Speeds Operate. 1. Disconnect leads 98Y, 98E, If +12 VDC is present, go to step
and 98F from heater fan 2. If no voltage is present, replace
control. Check for +12 VDC at heater fan control (WP 0069 00).
connector (E) with heater fan
control in low mode, at
connector (C) with heater fan
control in medium mode, and at
connector (F) with heater fan
control in medium-high mode.
2. Disconnect lead 98L from
If +12 VDC is present, replace
heater fan control. Check for
heater fan control (WP 0069 00).
+12 VDC with heater fan
If no voltage is present, go to step
control in low, medium, and
medium-high mode.
3. Disconnect lead 98R from
If +12 VDC is present, go to step
heater fan resistor block. Check
4. If no voltage is present, replace
for +12 VDC with heater fan
heater fan resistor block (WP
control in low mode.
4. Disconnect heater fan high If +12 VDC is present, go to step
relay from connector. Check 5. If no voltage is present, repair
for +12 VDC at connector 87A. lead 98R.
5. Disconnect lead 98T from If no voltage is present, replace
heater fan motor. Check for heater fan high relay (WP 0072
+12 VDC at lead 98.
High Speed Does Not Operate.
1. Disconnect lead 98L from If +12 VDC is present, go to step
heater fan control. Check for 2. If no voltage is present, replace
+12 VDC at connector (D) with heater fan control (WP 0069 00).
heater fan control in high mode.
2. Disconnect heater fan high If +12 VDC is present, go to step
relay from connector. Check 3. If no voltage is present, repair
for +12 VDC at connector 85 lead 98L.
with heater fan control in high
3. Disconnect heater fan high If continuity is indicated, go to
relay from connector. Check step 4. If no continuity is
between indicated, repair ground lead.
connector 86 and ground.
4. Disconnect lead 98T from If no voltage is present, replace
heater fan motor. Check for heater fan high relay (WP 0069
+12 VDC at lead 98T.
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