![]() TM 9-2320-303-24-1
Table 1. Instrument Wiring Troubleshooting Procedures.
Water Temperature Gage Does Not Operate. 1. Disconnect lead 81C from If +12 VDC is present, go to step
water temperature gage. Check 2. If no voltage is present, repair
for +12 VDC at lead 81C.
lead 81C.
2. Disconnect ground lead from If continuity is present, go to step
water temperature gage. Check 3. If no continuity is indicated,
for continuity between lead and repair ground lead.
3. Disconnect lead 119 from
If +8 to +12 VDC is present, go to
water temperature gage. Check
step 4. If no voltage is present,
for +8 to +12 VDC at water
replace water temperature gage
temperature gage.
4. Disconnect lead 119 from
If +8 to +12 VDC is present,
water temperature gage sensor.
replace water temperature gage
Check for +8 to +12 VDC at
sensor (TM 9-2815-222-34&P). If
lead 119.
no voltage is present, repair lead
Transmission Oil Temperature Gage Does 1. Disconnect lead 81C from If +12 VDC is present, go to step
Not Operate.
transmission oil temperature 2. If no voltage is present, repair
gage. Check for +12 VDC at lead 81C.
lead 81C.
2. Disconnect ground lead from If continuity is present, go to step
transmission oil temperature 3. If no continuity is indicated,
gage. Check for continuity repair ground lead.
between lead and ground.
3. Disconnect lead 30 from
If +8 to +12 VDC is present, go to
transmission oil temperature
step 4. If no voltage is present,
gage. Check for +8 to +12 VDC
at transmission oil temperature
temperature gage (WP 0064 00).
4. Disconnect lead 30 from
If +8 to +12 VDC is present,
transmission oil temperature
gage sensor. Check for +8 to
temperature gage sensor (notify
+12 VDC at lead 30.
direct support maintenance). If no
voltage is present, repair lead 30.
Fuel Level Gage Does Not Operate.
1. Disconnect lead 81C from fuel If +12 VDC is present, go to step
level gage. Check for +12 VDC 2. If no voltage is present, repair
at lead 81C.
lead 81C.
2. Disconnect ground lead from If continuity is present, go to step
fuel level gage. Check for 3. If no continuity is indicated,
continuity between ground lead repair ground lead.
and ground.
3. Disconnect lead 47 from fuel If +8 to +12 VDC is present, go to
level gage. Check for +8 to +12 step 4. If no voltage is present,
VDC at fuel level gage.
replace fuel level gage (WP 0064
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