![]() TM 9-2320-303-24-1
Table 1. Electric Horn Circuits Troubleshooting Procedures.
Electric Horn Does Not Operate.
1. Check horn 15A fuse.
If defective, replace 15A fuse (WP
2. Check for +12 VDC at lead If +12 VDC is present, go to step
420JD from auxiliary light 3. If no voltage is present, repair
power bus.
lead 420JD.
3. Disconnect horn relay from If +12 VDC is present, go to step
connector. Check for +12 VDC 4. If no voltage is present, repair
at connector 30.
lead 24.
4. Disconnect horn relay. Check If +12 VDC is present, go to step
for +12 VDC at connector 85. 5. If no voltage is present, repair
lead 24.
5. Disconnect lead 25 from horn If +12 VDC is present, go to step
button. Check for +12 VDC at 6. If no voltage is present, replace
lead 25.
horn relay (WP 0072 00).
6. Disconnect ground lead from If continuity is indicated, go to
horn button. Check for step 7. If no continuity is
continuity between ground lead indicated, repair ground lead.
and ground.
7. Disconnect lead 25 from horn
If continuity is indicated, go to
button. Press horn switch.
step 8. If no continuity is
Check for continuity between
indicated, replace horn button
switch contacts.
8. Disconnect lead 26 from horn. If +12 VDC is present, go to step
Check for +12 VDC at lead 26 9. If no voltage is present,
with horn button pressed.
disconnect horn relay and check
for continuity between connector
87 and lead 26. If continuity is
indicated, replace horn relay (WP
0072 00). If no continuity is
indicated, repair lead 26.
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