![]() TM 9-2320-303-24-1
Table 1. Charging Circuits Troubleshooting Procedures.
Batteries Not Charging (Either Voltage), 1. Check and clean battery
Voltmeter Indicates Voltage.
terminals for corrosion and
make sure connections are
2. Disconnect lead 6 from ground
If continuity is indicated, repair
connection from batteries.
ground connection. If no
Check for continuity between
continuity is indicated, repair lead
leads 6 and ground.
Batteries Not Charging, Voltmeter Does Not 1. Disconnect lead 83 from If continuity is indicated, go to
Indicate Voltage.
negative (-) terminal or step 2. If no continuity is
alternator. Check for continuity indicated, repair lead 83.
between lead 83 and ground.
2. Check for continuity between
If continuity is indicated, go to
negative (-) terminal and
step 3. If no continuity is
negative field (F-) terminal or
indicated, replace alternator (WP
3. Disconnect lead 16D from If +24 VDC is present, go to step
positive (+) terminal or 4. If no voltage is present, replace
alternator. Check for +24 VDC alternator (WP 0058 00).
at positive (+) terminal or
4. Disconnect lead 16D from dual If +24 VDC is present, go to step
voltage control unit. Check for 5. If no voltage is present, repair
+24 VDC at lead 16D.
lead 16D.
5. Disconnect lead 123 from If +24 VDC is present, go to step
positive field (F+) connector on 6. If no voltage is present, replace
alternator. Check for +24 VDC alternator (WP 0058 00).
at positive field (F+) connector.
+12 VDC Circuits Not Charging, +24 VDC 1. Disconnect lead 16D from If +12VDC is present, go to step
Circuits Normal.
connector No.1 on alternator. 2. If no voltage is present, replace
Check for +12 VDC at alternator (WP 0058 00).
2. Disconnect lead 16D from 12 V If +12 VDC is present, repair lead
junction terminal. Check for 5. If no voltage is present, repair
+12 VDC at lead 16D.
lead 16D.
+24 VDC Circuits Not Charging, +12 VDC 1. Disconnect lead 202 from If +24 VDC is present, go to step
Circuits Normal.
connector No. 2 on alternator. 2. If no voltage is present, replace
Check for +24 VDC.
alternator (WP 0058 00).
2. Disconnect lead 202 from If +24 VDC is present, repair lead
connector at starter motor. 1. If no voltage is present, repair
Check for +24 VDC at lead lead 202.
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