![]() TM 55-1740-200-14
4-238. DISASSEMBLY. See figure 4-13 and dis-
4-235. DISASSEMBLY. See figure 4-12 and dis-
assemble the hydraulic pump as follows:
assemble the rear cam and valve assembly as follows:
a. Remove four screws (2) and pump cover (1).
a. Remove cotter pin (1) and pin (2). Remove three
Remove packing (3) from cover (l). Remove spring (4),
cotter pins (3), washer (4), pin (7), roller (8) and bearing
plate (5) and rotor (9). Remove ten vanes (8) from rotor
(9). Remove lever (5) and assembled valve.
b. Remove two lubrication fittings (6). Remove nut
b. Remove rotor ring (7) and remove two alinement
(11) and lever (10). Remove nut (12) and cam (14).
pins (6) and packing (3) from ring (7).
Remove bushing (13) from cam (14).
c. Remove two bolts (11) and remove bracket (10).
c. Remove nut (16) and washer (17) and remove stud
Remove seal (12), bearing (13), key (14), drive shaft (15),
(15). Remove nut (19) and washer (20) and remove pin
seal (16), and bearing (17) from pump body (18).
(18) from support (21).
d. Remove four elbows (22 and 23) and three unions
4-240. REMOVAL. See figure 4-8 and remove the tie
(24). Remove two nuts (25), springs (26) and one rod
rod ends as follows:
(27). Remove one screw (29), washer (30), and nut (31)
and remove clamp (28).
a. Remove lubrication fittings (38), cotter pins (39)
and nuts (46).
e. Remove adapter (32), boot (34) and cap (35).
Remove one bolt (37), washer (38), and nut (39) and
b. Loosen bolts (43) and unscrew tie rod ends from
remove clamp (36) from cap (40).
rod (59).
f. Remove two rings (41) and two glands (43).
4-241. DISASSEMBLY. See figure 4-8 and disassemble
Remove packing (42) from each piston. Remove two
the tie rod ends as follows:
packings (44), one plug (45) and two pins (46) from
spool (47).
a. Remove spring (47), dust shield (48), packing (49)
and washer (50) from body (58).
g. Remove spring (48), ring (49), three bushings (50,
52 and 54), two spacers (51 and 53) and sleeve (55) from
b. Remove retaining ring (51) and remove plug (52),
valve body (61). Remove plug (57), spring (59) and ball
spring (53), spring seat (54), packing (55), ball stud (56)
(60). Remove pin (58) and packing (56) from plug (57).
and bearing (57) from body (58).
c. Remove two bolts (43), washers (44), nuts (45) and
one pipe plug (42) from body (58).
4-237. REMOVAL. See figure 4-8 and remove the
hydraulic pump as follows:
Provide proper receptacle and drain hydraulic
reservoir prior to pump removal.
4-243. REMOVAL. See figure 4-14 and remove the
front and rear booster cylinders as follows:
a. Remove hose (1), elbow (20) and pipe nipple (19).
Loosen four screws (22) and remove drive belt (13).
a. Remove inlet and outlet hose assemblies and two
Remove three screws (15) and washers (16) and remove
cotter pins (5).
pulley (14).
b. Loosen two screws (18) and remove pulley adapter
b. Loosen plugs (10 and 16) until socket assemblies
(17). Remove four screws (22), washers (23), washers
come free of ball studs. Remove both cylinders.
(24) and nuts (25) and remove pump (21).
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