![]() TM 55-1740-200-14
AV 008889
13. Bearing
1. Cover
7. Ring
14. Key
2. Screw
8. Vane kit
15. Shaft
3. Packing
9. Rotor
16. Seal
4. Spring
10. Bracket
17. Bearing
11. Bolt
5. Plate
18. Body
6. Pin
12. Ring
4-244. DISASSEMBLY. See figure 4-14 and dis-
assemble the booster cylinders as follows:
a. Remove two elbows (1), bushings (2) and pre-
steering gear as follows:
formed packings (3). Remove two lubrication fittings (4).
Remove two screws (7), washers (8) and nuts (9) and
a. Disconnect the front drag link valve as outlined in
remove two clamps (6).
b. Remove one plug (10), two seats (11), one spring
b. Remove nut (22), washer (23), and steering arm
(12) and retainer (13) from housing (14). Remove socket
(15). Remove one plug (16), two seats (17), one spring
(18) and retainer (19) from housing (20).
c. See figure 4-8 and remove two screws (111 and
112), two washers (113), and steering gear (110).
c. Remove screw (22), washer (23) and nut (24) and
remove clamp (21). Remove four screws (26) and washers
4-247. DISASSEMBLY. See figure 4-15 and dis-
(27) and remove cover (25).
assemble the steering gear as follows:
d. Remove retaining ring (28) or retainer (33).
Remove backup rings and packings (29, 30, and 31).
Remove rod and piston assembly from cylinder (39).
Provide proper receptacle, remove drain plugs
e. Remove cotter pin (35), nut (36), rod (34), and
(14) and drain housing before disassembly.
two rings (37) from piston (38).
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