![]() TM 55-1740-200-14
b. Inspect wiper blade (68) and arm (69) for wear and
e. Inspect armature (32) shaft and bushings (5 and 20)
deterioration and damage.
for nicks, burrs, and excessive wear.
a l l non-metallic components for
c. Inspect fuel tank sender (64) for proper movement
f. Inspect
of float mechanism.
4-80. CHECKOUT. Manually operate fork (22) and
d. Inspect all other components in accordance with
check for free movement of pinion assembly. Test starter
the following individual component procedures.
after installation by actual operation.
e. Check all components for loose or missing attaching
4-81. ADJUSTMENT. None required.
4-72. CHECKOUT. Retest operation of all electrical
components after complete assembly and installation.
generator as follows:
4-73. ADJUSTMENT. All adjustments are outlined
under individual component adjustment procedures.
a. Inspect drive belt for breaks and deterioration.
b. Inspect pulley (1) for bent or broken fan blades.
c. Inspect bearing (12) for nicks, scores, and binding.
distributor as follows:
d. Inspect bushing (27) and armature (18) shaft for
a. Inspect springs (2 and 23) for breaks or distortion.
nicks, burrs and excessive wear.
b. Inspect contact set (11) for pits and burns.
e. Inspect brushes (19) for wear.
c. Inspect distributor shaft (32) and bushings (47) for
nicks, burrs, and excessive wear.
4-84. CHECKOUT. Test generator charge rate.
4-76. CHECKOUT. Test and time the distributor by
actual engine operation.
for 1/2 inch deflection. (Refer to Chapter 3, Section III.)
4-77. ADJUSTMENT. Position cam (21) so rubbing
block of contact set (11) is on high spot of cam (21).
Loosen screw (12) and adjust contact set point gap to
0.01 80.020 inch. Tighten screw (12). Attach spring scale
windshield wiper as follows:
to contact set breaker arm and read spring tension at
right angles to contact surface. Loosen screw (8) and
a. Inspect brushes (5 and 11) for excessive wear.
adjust breaker arm spring to 17-20 ounces spring tension.
Tighten screw (8).
b. Inspect springs (6) for breaks, expansion and
4-78. STARTER.
c. Inspect gaskets (18 and 21) and felt washer (40) for
breaks or deterioration.
starter as follows:
d. Inspect driver (36) for worn spline.
a. Inspect brush springs (7) for breaks or distortion.
e. Inspect gear and shaft (25) for broken, missing or
b. Inspect springs (17 and 29) for breaks or distortion.
excessively worn teeth.
c. Inspect pinion (30) for cracked or broken teeth.
4-88. CHECKOUT. Check windshield wiper for proper
d. Inspect brushes (33) for wear.
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