![]() TM 5-2420-222-20-1
Cleaning ...............................................................2-138
Service Replacement Kits .................................... 2-139
Electrical Ground Points .......................................2-142
Soldering .............................................................. 2-140
Fluid Disposal .......................................................2-144
Tagging Parts....................................................... 2-140
Heat Shrinkable Tubing ........................................2-140
Tubes with Compression Fittings ......................... 2-143
Inspection .............................................................2-139
Wire Replacement ............................................... 2-141
Lines and Ports.....................................................2-143
Wire Terminal and Connector
Operational and Leak Checks ..............................2-144
Replacement ................................................. 2-141
Preshop Analysis..................................................2-137
Work Safety ......................................................... 2-137
Scope ...................................................................2-137
These General Maintenance Instructions contain general shop practices and specific techniques you must be familiar with
to maintain the loader backhoe properly. You should read and understand the information provided here and in the
operator's General Maintenance Instructions (TM 52420-222-10) before performing Organizational Maintenance tasks on
the loader backhoe.
Before you start a task, think about the risks and hazards to your personal safety and others. Wear protective gear such as
safety goggles or lenses, safety shoes, rubber apron, or gloves. Protect yourself against injury. Always clean up spilled
fluids right away to avoid slipping hazard. When lifting heavy parts, have someone help you. Make sure that lifting/jacking
tool is working properly, that it meets the weight requirement of the part to be lifted, and that it is securely fastened to the
part. Always use power tools carefully.
Observe all WARNINGs and CAUTIONs.
The purpose of preshop analysis is to find out how much repair, modification, or replacement is needed to fix the
equipment as outlined in this manual. Sometimes the reason for equipment failure can be seen right away and, therefore,
complete teardown Is not necessary for repair. Disassemble equipment only as far as necessary to repair or replace
broken parts.
All tags and forms attached to the equipment must be checked to find out the reason for removal from service. Also check
all Modification Work Orders (MWO) and Technical Bulletins (TB) for equipment changes and updates.
In some cases you may damage a part just by removing it. If the part appears to be good, and other parts behind it are not
defective, leave it on and continue with procedure. Here are a few simple rules:
1. Don't take out dowel pins unless bent, broken or damaged.
2. Don't pull bearings or bushings unless they are damaged. If you have to get at a damaged or defective part behind
them, pull off bearings or bushings very carefully.
3. Replace all gaskets, lockwashers, self-locking nuts, self-locking screws and packings.
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