(4) Install new rear seal and wear
(7) Install a front seal (13) on wear
sleeve (18) as a unit on the
sleeve (14) with the lip of the
crankshaft (10).
seal toward the side of the wear
sleeve that has chamfer on the
inside diameter.
(8) Clean the inside diameter of the
Hot oil or metal parts can cause
wear sleeve (14) and the tapered
surface of the crankshaft (10)
severe burns. Wear insulated
gloves, long sleeves, and eye
with quick cure primer.
protection when working with
heated parts.
(9) Apply Loctite 262 to the inside
diameter of the wear sleeve (14)
(5) Raise the temperature of the
and its contact surface on the
crankshaft gear (15) 600F
crankshaft (10).
maximum. Install key (16) and
gear on the crankshaft (10).
(10) Install the wear sleeve (14) and
front seal (13), as a unit, onto
the crankshaft (10), with the lip
(6) Apply clean lubricating oil on
the seal lip of a new front seal
of the seal toward the engine.
(13) and on the outside diameter
of a new wear sleeve (14).
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