g. Inspection and Repair.
If an inspection indicates a failure has
(1) Scavenge pump.
occured in the torque converter, te
(a) Inspection manifold, spacer, an end cover
entire fluid system must be thoroughly
for cracks, breaks, scoring, and wear. Replace as
(b) I n s p e c t t h e p u m p g e a r s f o r s c o r e d ,
The inspection and repair data is listed in the same
c h i p p e d , pitted, cracked, or worn teeth.
sequence as the disassembly procedure.
( c ) Inspect sleeve bearings for damage and
w e a r . Bearing I.D. (new) is 0.7422 to 0.7428 inch.
(a) Inspect the planet gear shafts and
Replace damaged or excessively worn bearings.
bearings for scoring, pitting, and wear. Replace
(d) Inspect pump drive gear for chipped,
s c o r e d , pitted, or excessively worn or rough shafts
pitted, cracked, broken, or worn teeth. Replace
or bearings.
d a m a g e d or excessively worn drive gear.
(b) I n s p e c t t h e p l a n e t g e a r s f o r c h i p p e d ,
(2) T o r q u e d i v i d e r .
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