![]() (5) P r e l o a d . Preload is an initial force placed
clean paper. Do not unwrap new bearings until
o n the bearing at the time of assembly. Determine
time of install ation.
preload or
SPECIFICATIONS, Care should be exercised in
s h o r t e n e d if not properly lubricated.
applying preload. Misapplication of preload to
bearings requiring end clearance can result in
(6) S l e e v e b e a r i n g s . D O N O T I N S T A L L
a press if possible and apply the pressure directly in
iine with the bore. If it is necessary to drive on a
bearing use a driver or a bar with a smooth flat end.
If a sleeve bearing has an oil hole, align it with the
o i l hoie in the mating part.
k. Gaskets. Be sure the holes in the gaskets
correspond with the lubricant passages in the
m a t i n g parts. If it is necessary to make gaskets,
s e l e c t stock of the proper type and thickness. Be
sure to cut holes properly. Blank gaskets can cause
(2) Double row, tapered roller. D o u b l e r o w ,
serious damage.
tapered roller bearings are precision fit during
l. Seals.
manufacture and the components are not in-
(1) F l o a t i n g s e a l s .
terchangeable. The cups, cones and spacers are
(a) Floating ring seals have highly finished
usually etched with the same serial number and
surfaces and are held together by toric sealing rings.
letter designator. If no letter designators are found,
T h e flexibility of the toric sealing rings makes the
wire the components together to assure correct
floating ring seals self aligning and compensates for
installation. Reusable bearing components should
w e a r on the metal faces.
b e installed in their original positions,
(b) During disassembly, tape the metal
(3) Heating b e a r i n g s . B e a r i n g s w h i c h r e q u i r e
floating ring seals together so they will be kept in
e x p a n s i o n for installation should be heated in oil
matched sets. Always install the metal floating ring
not to exceed 250F. (121 C). When more than
seals in pairs; that is, two new seals together or two
one part is heated to aid in assembly, they must be
seals that have previously run together. Never
a l l o w e d to cool and then pressed together again.
r e i n s t a l l a used toric sealing ring.
P a r t s often separate as they cool and shrink.
(c) Figure 2-8 shows the dimension (1) to be
(4) I n s t a l l a t i o n , L u b r i c a t e n e w o r u s e d
checked, the metal floating ring seal (2), the rubber
bearings before installation. Bearings that are to be
toric sealing ring (3) and the toric sealing ring
p r e l o a d e d must have a film of oil over the entire
retainer (4). The dimension must be uniform
assembly to obtain accurate preloading. When
around the entire circumference of the floating ring
installing a bearing, spacer or washer against a
seal. Check the dimension at 90 intervals.
s h o u l d e r on a shaft, be sure the chamfered side is
toward the shoulder (fig. 2 - 7 ) . W h e n p r e s s i n g
b e a r i n g s into a retainer or bore, apply pressure to
the outer race, If the bearing is pressed on the shaft,
a p p l y pressure on the inner race.
Figure 2-7. Chamfer on a shouldered shaft.
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