![]() TM 10-3930-633-34
(3) Inspect the inner bushing and the drive
(9) Remove the pump body from the
gear bearing surface for scores.
transmission case.
(4) Check all fluid passages for obstructions,
b. Inspection.
and check mating surfaces and gasket surfaces of
(1) Inspect the mating surfaces of the pump
the pump body and cover for burrs.
body and cover for burrs.
(5) Inspect the pump cover bearing surface
(2) Inspect the drive and driven gear bearing
for scores. Minor burrs or scores may be removed
surface for scores, and check the gear teeth for
with crocus cloth.
c. Assembly.
( 3 ) Check the fluid passages for ob-
(1) Install the drive gear in the pump body.
struct ions.
(2) Install the pump cover, attaching screws
(4) If any parts are found defective, replace
and lockwashers. Torque the screws to 25 -- 35
the pump as a unit. Minor burrs and scores may
be removed with crocus cloth.
c. Assembly and Installation.
(1) Install new oil seal into front pump
a. Disassembly.
cover, using a seal driver as shown in figure 7-27.
(1) Remove the clutch pressure plate snap.
ring, and remove the pressure plate from the
drum. R e m o v e the waved cushion spring.
Remove the composition and steel plates.
(2) Compress the spring with the tools
shown in figure 7-28 and remove the snap ring.
(3) Guide the spring retainer while releasing
the pressure to prevent the retainer from locking
in the snap ring grooves.
(4) Position the primary sun gear shaft in
(2) Place the pump driven gear in the pump
the rear clutch, Place an air hose nozzle in one of
body with the mark on the gear facing down.
Install the drive gear in the pump body with the
the holes in the shaft, and place one finger over
chamfered side of the flats facing down.
the other hole. Then force the clutch piston out of
the clutch drum with air pressure. Hold one hand
(3) Install the stator support and attaching
over the piston to prevent damage to the piston.
screws. Check, the pump gears for free rotation.
(5) Remove the inner and outer seal rings
7-21. Rear Pump
from the clutch piston.
a. Disassembly.
(6) If the rear clutch sun gear is worn or
(1) Remove the screws and lockwashers
damaged, replace the gear and drum assembly.
which secure the pump cover to the pump body,
b. Inspection.
and remove the cover.
(1) Inspect the drum band surface, the
(2) Remove the drive gear from the pump
bushing, and thrust surfaces for scores. Minor
scores may be removed with crocus cloth. Badly
b. Inspection.
scored parts must be replaced. Inspect the clutch
(1) Remove the drive gear from the pump
piston bore and the piston inner and outer bearing
surfaces for scores. Check the air bleed ball valve
(2) Inspect the gear pocket of the pump body
for scores or pitting.
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