![]() TM 10-3930-633-34
separate the drive end frame (5) from the rotor
(3) Place a piece of tape over the slipring end
frame bearing (11) to prevent entry of dirt.
(6) Further disassembly should be per-
(4) To remove the drive end frame from the
formed only as necessary, as outlined in the
rotor, place the rotor in a vise and tighten only
following subparagraphs.
enough to permit removal of the shaft nut (1).
d. Rotor Checks. The rotor must be checked
Avoid excessive tightening as this may
electrically for grounded, open, or short circuited
field coils, using an ohmmeter as shown in figure
cause distortion of the rotor.
(5) Remove the shaft nut (1), washer (2),
pulley (35), fan (36) and the collar (3), and then
resistance of the field by connecting an ohmmeter
(1) To check for grounds, connect a 110-volt
test lamp or an ohmmeter from either slipring to
to the two slip rings. If the resistance reading is
the rotor shaft or to the rotor poles. If the lamp
below the specified value, the winding is shorted.
lights, or if the ohmmeter reading is low, the field
The specified resistance value can be determined
winding is grounded.
by dividing the voltage by the current given in
Tabulated Date, paragraph 1-8.
(2) To check for opens, connect the test lamp
or ohmmeter to each slipring. If the lamp fails to
(4) Replace the rotor if any of these checks
light, or if the ohmmeter reading is high (infinite),
reveal a defect.
the winding is open.
e. Stator Checks. To check the stator wind-
(3) The winding is checked for short circuits
ings, remove all three stator lead attaching nuts
by connecting a battery and ammeter in series:
and then separate the stator assembly from the
with the two sliprings. Note the ammeter reading
end frame. The fit between stator frame and end
and refer to specifications. An ammeter reading
frame is not tight, and the two can be separated
above the specified value indicates shorted
windings. An alternate method is to check the
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