![]() TM 10-3930-633-34
3-1. General
together and the positive battery terminals
The alternator is an A .C. (alternating current)
c. When connecting a charger to the battery,
generator which delivers relatively high output of
connect the charger positive lead to the battery
energy at low speeds. The physical characteristics
positive terminals and the charger negative lead
of the design are discussed below.
to the battery negative terminal.
a. Operation. The unit consists of a rotating
d. Never operate the a.c. generator on open
field coil, called the rotor, which is supported by
circuit. Make absolutely certain all connections in
bearings and rotates, being driven by the engine,
the circuit are secure.
inside an electromagnetic field generated by the
e. Do not short across or ground any of the
stator windings. The stator windings are attached
terminals on the a.c. generator or regulator.
to the alternator frame. Brushes in the unit pick
f. Do not attempt to polarize the a.c.
up the oscillating current from the rotor, and pass
it through a set of diode rectifiers in the alternator
g. Always disconnect alternator before doing
end frame to produce a D.C. (direct current)
any repair welding, to prevent reverse current
output. A voltage regulator is used with the
alternator to control the strength of the electrical
fields, and therefore the relative values of the
3-3. Maintenance
output .
b. Rotor. The rotor consists of one continuous
give long periods of service, a regular inspection
electrical winding on the rotor shaft. The shaft is
procedure s h o u l d be followed to obtain its
supported by a ball bearing at the drive end and a
maximum life. The frequency of inspection is
needle roller bearing at the brush end. The
determined largely by operating conditions. High
bearings are provided with grease reservoirs,
speed operation, high temperatures, dust, and
eliminating the need for periodic lubrication.
dirt all increase the wear on brushes, sliprings,
c. Stator and Frame. Stator windings are
and bearings.
assembled on the inside of a laminated core that
b. At regular intervals inspect terminals for
forms part of the frame. Six rectifier diodes are
corrosion and loose connections and wiring for
assembled into the slipring end frame and are
frayed or deteriorated insulation. Check
connected to the stator windings.
m o u n t i n g bolts for tightness and belt for
d. Brushes. Two brushes are used to carry
alignment, proper tension and wear. When
current from the regulator circuit, through the
tightening belt tension, apply pressure against
sliprings, to the rotor field coil. Brushes are extra
the stator laminations between end frames and
long for extended service.
not against either end frame.
3-2. Service Precautions
c. Noise from an a.c. generator may be caused
by worn or dirty bearings, loose mounting bolts,
Since the a.c. generator and regulator are
loose drive pulley, defective diode or defective
designed for use on only one polarity system, the
following precautions must be observed when
working on the charging circuit. Failure to ob-
3-4. Alternator Repair
serve these precautions will result in serious
a. General. If the a.c. generator is new but
damage to the electrical equipment,
suspected of being faulty, a generator output test
a. When installing a battery, always make
should be performed before removing the unit
absolutely sure the ground polarity of the battery
from engine. S e e TM 10-3930-633-12 for
and the ground polarity of the a.c. generator are
procedure. After extended periods of operation
the same.
however, or at time of engine overhaul, the
b. When connecting a booster battery. make
generator should be removed for a thorough
certain to connect the negative battery terminals
inspection and cleaning.
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