![]() TM 10-3930-633-12
(3) Be sure the master cylinder reservoir is
parts. During brake inspection, check wheel
filled, and keep it full during this procedure.
cylinders for signs of leakage. Final connections
(4) Refer to figure 4-47 and bleed front and
to front wheel cylinders are made by means of
rear brake lines at their highest points first; "A"
flexible hoses. Check these hoses for kinks,
and "B" respectively. Loosen each one separately
chafing, and any sign of wear or deterioration.
and bleed as follows: Depress break pedal slowly
Tighten loose fittings and replace parts to
and hold, allowing fluid and air to escape.
eliminate leakage. Always bleed the brakes after
Tighten fitting, then release brake pedal. Repeat
such a repair.
procedure until fluid is free of air bubbles.
(5) Install a bleeder hose on one of the wheel
a. Proper operation of the hydraulic brake
cylinder bleeder screws and submerge the
system requires a solid column of fluid without air
unattached end of the hose in a clean transparent
bubbles at all points in the pressure system.
jar containing several inches of brake fluid.
Under certain conditions it becomes necessary to
bleed fluid from the system in order to expel air
During bleeding of the wheel cylinders the jar
bubbles which have become mixed with the fluid.
should be elevated to a position higher than the
b. The necessity of bleeding is indicated by a
bleeder screws making sure that the end of the
hose remains submerged in the fluid at all times.
soft, spongy pedal or at any time a brake line is
(6) Loosen bleeder screw and slowly push
removed (or broken).
(1) Raise all four wheels far enough to clear
brake pedal to the floorboard. Hold pedal in this
the floor and place heavy blocking under the
position until bleeder screw is retightened. Repeat
machine frame so it cannot accidentally become
this operation until all air bubbles disappear and
lowered. Deflate the tires and remove the wheels
clear fluid is being pumped into the jar.
from the hub assemblv.
(7) Install bleeder hose on the remaining
bleeder screw and proceed as in step (5). After all
bleeding has been completed, recheck fluid level
Deflate tires before removing front
in master cylinder. Fill to within -inch of the
wheels from vehicle.
top with SAE 70 R3 brake fluid, Specification
(2) Check the brake pedal free travel (see
VV-B-680. Replace cylinder cap.
(8) Replace wheels. Inflate tires. Remove
cap of the master cylinder reservoir. Brake fluid
blocking and lower machine to floor.
should be within -inch of the top. With filler cap
off the master cylinder, depress and release brake
pedal. A small displacement of fluid should be
Remember that the brake pedal should be
depressed slowly and held to the floorboard until
noticed in the cylinder reservoir. If this happens
the line connections or bleeder screws are securely
the brake pedal (upon being released) is returning
tightened. This prevents the possibility of air
the master cylinder piston to its normal position
being drawn into the system during the bleeding
to open a master cylinder port. This port must be
operation. bleeding operation. Check master
cylinder reservoir level periodically during manual
open. If fluid does not return to the reservoir
bleeding and fill to within -inch of the top as
(when releasing brake pedal), this indicates
improper pedal free travel and a pedal adjustment
is required.
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