![]() TM 10-3930-633-12
contents of the bowl may then be examined for
(9) Remove power valve piston assembly from
contamination as the carburetor is disassembled.
main body. Remove fast idle cam screw and fast idle
(10) Remove spark valve and gasket, fuel inlet
(1) Remove the air intake elbow from the
and needle seat, and spark fitting, Remove pump
discharge valve weight and discharge valve ball,
(2) Disconnect the throttle return spring,
Remove power valve assembly. Remove main jet only
throttle cable, choke control cable and housing, fuel
if orifice appears burred, worn, or otherwise
inlet line, and the distributor vacuum line from the
damaged. This completes recommended disassembly.
c. Cleaning and Inspection. Dirt, gum, water or
( 3 ) Remove the two hex nuts from the
carbon contamination on the exterior moving parts of
mounting studs, and remove the carburetor assembly,
a carburetor are often responsible for unsatisfactory
c. Replacement.
performance. For this reason, efficient carburetion
(1) Clean the gasket mounting surface of the
depends upon careful cleaning and inspection while
carburetor intake manifold and velocity-type
(1) Thoroughly clean carburetor castings and
(2) Install the governor mounting gasket,
metal parts in carburetor cleaning solvent.
governor, spacer lower gasket, spacer upper gasket
and the carburetor on the intake manifold.
Accelerator pump plunger and any fiber
(3) Connect the governor t u b e to the
o r rubber parts s h o u l d never be
carburetor. Install distributor vacuum line to the
immersed in carburetor cleaner. Wash
pump plunger in cleaning solvent.
(4) Install and tighten hex nuts over carburetor
mounting studs. Tighten nuts evenly and alternately.
(2) Blow out all passages in the castings with
(5) Connect the throttle control cable, throttle
compressed air. Make sure all jets and passages are
return spring and the choke control cable to the
clean, Do not use wire to clean fuel passages or air
(6) Adjust the idle fuel mixture and engine idle
(3) Check inlet valve needle and seat for wear.
speed to specification as outlined in paragraph 4-57.
If wear is noted, the assembly must be replaced.
(7) Install the air cleaner inlet elbow on the
(4) Check float hinge pin for wear and check
carburetor air inlet body.
float for damage,
(5) Check throttle and choke shaft bores for
wear and out-of-round.
(6) Inspect idle mixture adjustment needles for
the carburetor assembly from the engine.
burrs or grooves; replace if damaged.
(7) Inspect cup of accelerator pump plunger;
identification and proceed as follows:
replace if damaged, worn, or hardened. Inspect
(1) Disconnect and remove the fast idle rod,
pump well in bowl for wear or scoring.
and the pump operating link. Unscrew and remove
(8) Check filter screens for dirt or lint. Clean,
the dashpot assembly from its bracket,
and if they remain clogged, replace.
(2) Remove the bowl cover screws, bowl cover,
(9) Check the three main castings carefully for
choke bracket, and dashpot bracket.
damage such as nicks, burrs, or cracks, around
(3) Remove the pump rod clamp screw, pump
gasket surfaces. Also check the condition and
rod and clamp from the bowl cover.
cleanliness of all threaded holes.
(4) Remove choke plate screws and plate, Pull
d. Reassembly.
choke shaft and lever out of bowl cover, and remove
choke lever spring and control lever.
(5) Remove throttle body screws and separate
Always use new gaskets and seals when reassembling
main body from throttle body.
(6) Remove throttle plate screws and plate from
(1) Refer to figure 4-29.1 and reassemble the
throttle body bore. Remove nut, lockwasher, pump
carburetor assembly as follows:
operating lever, bushing and spring from throttle
(2) Install the fuel inlet needle and seat, with
gasket, into the main body. Install the spark valve
(7) Pull throttle shaft out of throttle body.
and gasket, and the spark fitting,
Remove throttle adjusting screw and spring. Remove
(3) Install the fast idle cam, spring washer, and
i d l e adjusting needle and spring. - -
fast idle cam screw.
(8) Remove float shaft retainer, hinge shaft,
(4) Install power valve assembly, float and
and float assembly from main body. Remove pump
hinge assembly, float hinge shaft, and retainer.
drive spring, piston stem, and piston cup.
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